Friends This Is How To Receive Your Miracle: by Pastor Steven - TopicsExpress


Friends This Is How To Receive Your Miracle: by Pastor Steven byway of the Spirit of Truth.... Most of us have had times when we have prayed a prayer of faith, and our prayers seemed to go unanswered. Maybe you got into the Word of God Ahayah, planted a seed, and prayed for a miracle. Then, nothing happened. The problem is that many people stop believing at that moment. Ahayahs Word says in Mark 11:24, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. This is where most Mashiyach-like People {Christians} stumble. The Bible says to believe when you pray that you have received. Most of us are familiar with Matthew 7:7, which says, Ask, and it shall be given you. However, when we dont see an immediate manifestation to prayer, we say, Well, not everyone receives. Thats not scriptural because the next verse says, For every one that asketh receiveth. Most of us dont really believe this scripture. We lose our excitement in the Word and dont expect it to work like that. I had a friend with leukemia, and he believed that he would be healed. I prayed that he would be healed. On his death bed, he still believed he would be healed at any time. He died and I prayed for him to be raised from the dead for a long time. His father said that it couldnt be Ahayahs will for everyone to be healed, or he would have been healed. I didnt understand and it was hard for me. It was several years before I figured out how I allowed the devil to beat me on that one. We have a responsibility to bring about Ahayahs will. Some people believe that Ahayahs will comes to pass no matter what we do, but thats not true. Ahayah is bound by His own laws. Second Peter 3:9 says that its not Ahayahs will that anyone should perish. For that to happen, there has to be someone to preach the Gospel. Ahayahs will does not automatically comes to pass. Psalm 89:34 says, My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Ahayah has bound Himself by His own Word. Ahayah gave us authority over the devil, and we must exercise what Ahayah has given unto us. Most people interpret Ahayahs Word by their own experience, Ahayahs Word says one thing, but here is what happened. If someone doesnt get healed, we make our own theology and say, Well, not everyone gets healed. Ahayah doesnt say no to something He already said yes to. You need to learn to interpret your circumstances by Ahayahs Word, not Ahayahs Word by your circumstances. Most of us have seen a promise in Ahayahs Word and believed to the best of our ability, but it didnt come to pass. How do we harmonize the fact that Ahayah is true to His Word and it didnt happen? There is a physical world, and there is a spiritual world. The spiritual world created this physical world. There is a spiritual reality for everything physical. In 2 Kings 6, you can read the story of Elisha. When the Syrian army had surrounded Elisha and his army, a servant asked Elisha, What shall we do? Elisha answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. Verse 17 tells us, And Elisha prayed, and said, the Most High, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Most High opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. There werent more physically but more spiritually. The angels of Ahayah surrounded them. Elisha spoke the truth. Some people say its a lie to speak that youre healed when you dont feel healed, but thats operating only by your five senses. You have to walk in the spirit. There are spiritual realities. John 6:63 says, It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. The Bible is spiritual truth. We are limited when we only think in the physical realm. Just because you cant see it doesnt mean Ahayah didnt do it. Ahayah always answers when you pray according to His will. When Ahayah answers your prayer, He gives it to you in spiritual form. If you ask for finances, Ahayah releases the spiritual power to produce those finances. If you pray for healing, He gives it to you in spiritual form. Ahayahs operation ends in the spiritual realm, independent of you. Faith is the key that brings the answer into the physical realm. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). Your faith brings what Ahayah has accomplished into physical reality. Ahayah gives it to you in the spirit, then faith brings it into the physical realm. Many times you dont know Ahayah has answered your prayer because you cant perceive it in the physical. You have to believe something is happening beyond your five senses. If you dont believe it until you see it, you wont receive from Ahayah. The Bible says you have to believe you receive when you pray. What happens between the time you say amein and see the answer manifested? We learn something about this when we read about the prayers of Daniel. In Daniel 9:20, Daniel is praying, and the angel Gabriel appears and tells him (in verse 23), At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee. In only three minutes, Ahayah answered his prayer. Gabriel said at the beginning of his prayer Ahayah answered, but it took three minutes for it to become visible. Sometimes it takes a little time to manifest in the physical. Often, we step out of faith and stop the manifestation from coming. In Daniel 10, Daniel is praying again. This time it says, in verse 3, he fasted and prayed for three weeks. In verse 10, Ahayah sends a messenger and answers. Why did it take three minutes the first time and three weeks the second time? Some people say that Ahayah is making them wait to teach them something. That is not scriptural. The Bible says that the Scripture is given to teach us. We can learn through trials, but Ahayah doesnt send them to teach us. In verse 12, the angel told Daniel that Ahayah heard his prayer the first day and sent the answer. What held up the answer? The prince of the kingdom of Persia did battle with the angel for 21 days. There was spiritual warfare going on for three weeks. Satan fought to keep the answer from Daniel. In the Old Testament, people didnt have authority over the devil. That authority came with Yashiya {Jesus}. If Ahayah had shown Daniel what was going on, he couldnt have done anything. In the New Testament, the blinders are removed because we have authority over Satan. We dont have to wait for the devil to run his course. When Yashiya {Jesus} withstood temptation, the devil left because he had done everything he could do (Matt. 4; Luke 4). Satan doesnt have a limitless bag of tricks. If you pray and dont see manifestation immediately, Ahayah is waiting on you to stand against the devil and bring it into being. How can Satan hinder your prayer? He can use another person to hinder your prayer. Sometimes, other people are involved in your answer. If you are praying for finances, intercede for the people who will be used in your prosperity. If you are trying to sell a house, pray for the person who will buy your house. If you want a promotion at work, pray for the boss who will be used to give you your promotion. Some of you may think you dont have enough faith to believe for a miracle. The truth is that you cant get any more faith than you already have. Romans 12:3 says that Ahayah has dealt to every man the measure of faith. Ahayah gave us all the same measure of faith. In Galatians 2:20, Paul said, I am crucified with Yashiya Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Yashiya Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son Yashiya of God Ahayah, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Paul said that he uses the faith of Yashiya {Jesus}. You have the same amount of faith that Yashiya has. That should be enough. Amein... Amein.... Amein.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:49:00 +0000

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