Friends and Family: In light of events that have recently - TopicsExpress


Friends and Family: In light of events that have recently unfolded, I want to announce a few BIG changes. As you all know, I was expected to arrive in Ghana by now. However, due to recent events, I will now complete my position as a Global Advocate by serving a community in Kenya! Wondering why? The community at United Hearts has been facing some instability the past week, and Mama Hope has made the decision to put current projects on hold until the situation is resolved. They feel, and the United Hearts staff agrees, that because the projects will be on hold, I would not be able to fulfill my project management role as an Advocate in Ghana. Never fear, the community and children in Ghana are doing well and will continue to thrive. Although purchasing a bus is still a priority, it will be placed on hold for a bit. Though this has come as a bit of a shock, I am really grateful that Mama Hope acted quickly and was thinking about me and where my services and resources would have the most positive impact. The reason that Mama Hope and the Global Advocate program have been able to create such immediate and effective change is because of our willingness to be flexible in unexpected situations, based on the needs of the communities that we serve. Although I am sad not to go to Ghana, I know that I must be flexible as well, and go where I am most needed. After hearing about my new project placement, and the immediate needs of this community, I am very excited! And who knows, maybe I will get to see the community in Ghana after all, at the end of my stay in Kenya. Mama Hope has great partner organizations throughout Africa and the one I will be working with is the the Akili Preparatory School in Kisumu, Kenya!! I know that you are probably thinking: “Whaaat?” Believe me, I’ve been putting all my heart into the bus project BUT after hearing about the Akili school, I feel like this change was fate and I think this placement will be an even bigger learning experience and will allow me to make an even bigger impact. I can guarantee that all of your time and money donated will not be wasted, not one bit! All donations that were before going to the school bus in Ghana will now serve an equally amazing cause: WE WILL BE BUILDING A NEW SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN KISUMU, KENYA! That is right, a complete school building, built from the ground up. School is currently being held in a local church building, but the girls are being evicted in December and the need for a new school building is extremely urgent. To all the donors and supporters, I hope you are understanding. Mama Hopes main goal is to use resources where they are most needed and can have the biggest impact. Mama Hope recognizes the dire need for this building in order to ensure the schools survival, and I know in my heart, that they have made the right decision. A little background on the organization: The Akili Preparatory School and Library is Mama Hope’s newest partner and was founded by best friends David Omondi and Erick Otieno. After hearing their inspiring story, I know that you will share the same excitement I have for the new partnership. David and Erick grew up in the Obunga slum, which is the second largest slum in Kisumu, Kenya. They grew up together and became fast friends during their time at university in Nairobi, where they were both on scholarship. Grateful for the opportunity given to them, they made it their mission to return to Obunga after graduation to serve their community. They knew that one of the biggest problems facing their community was the lack of education, especially for women. This was leading to early pregnancy, transmission of diseases like HIV and a high mortality rate.The best way to prevent this is to start by giving young girls proper education and empowering them so the whole community can have a brighter future. They started the Akili Girls School, which is currently taking place in a church in the middle of the slum. 75 girls currently attend school, with the majority being in preschool through third grade. In their own words: “Our vision is to use Akili Preparatory School as a model for the provision of high quality education for girls, which can be rolled-out to other schools to help improve student performance, achieve gender equality, and empower women in Kenya.” They have been working so hard for the past 2 years to ensure that more girls have the opportunity to attend school in Obunga, and escape poverty. Akili Preparatory School can no longer operate in the church, and they are currently being evicted. David and Erick were expecting their first Advocates in January of 2015 to start building the new school, but now they will be hosting me in less than a week! These mens story and hard work is so inspiring. I’ve spoken with them both, and they are both very excited to have me on their team. I can’t wait to meet them and the entire Akili family. To learn more about their amazing work that we are investing in together, visit their website: akilischool.weebly My heart still goes out to United Hearts and I know their dreams of a bus will come true, its just not the most pressing priority for Mama Hope at this time. My full focus now goes to Akili Preparatory School and all the good things that this experience will bring me and the amazing work that we will be doing there. I am more than happy to answer any questions or to arrange a call with you and the Mama Hope staff if you would like more information. I now depart on October 2nd and my goal is to raise $1,000 more before I set foot in Kenya. The more money I have raised, the more work that can begin immediately after my arrival, and I will be showing you ever step of the way! Please donate here on my new fundraising page Love, much love!! - Juliane
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:11:01 +0000

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