Friends, grow in your faith until fear become afraid of you. Never - TopicsExpress


Friends, grow in your faith until fear become afraid of you. Never say no to anything good as long as there is God on your side. The mountain which fear told me sometimes ago is not possible has become my place of celebration. There is indeed nothing too hard for our God. With Him, all things are truly possible. Our limitation is nothing but our doubt and faithlessness. When I looked back the other day on where I started, all I could see is fear stranded and standing alone in regret, shame and defeat. I conquered the fear which told me I cant with an enabling word which said I can. When the enemy come to you with you cant intimidation, look up to our glorious God who is already presenting a you can solution. God is never a dis-appointer, when you call Him God and father, He will call you son or daughter in return. God can never put you in a corner where you begin to have doubt about Him. The reason many doubt God is because of the human factor that represent Him on earth. But I sincerely tell you the truth, when you in counters God, nothing can ever make you doubt Him. Though it is not easy to climb over the mountain, but if you climb with a mountain leveller it becomes an adventure, easy and sweet. I have always noticed that those who promised to climb the mountain with you will sometimes withdraw without giving you notice. When you look back and discover their disappearance, it becomes tiring to keep climbing. But if you can look again in faith, you will always discover the brightness given by the presence of Jehovah, this alone has become my source of strength. Each time I ask God why, His answer will be, So that when you conquer the mountain it wont be difficult to know who brought the victory. Most times all the crowd who gather to celebrate our success will be separated by God because they are not there to support us, they are just there doing nothing but enjoy the success which God helped us attain. You may not discover this until they are gone, then you have a cleared head to know that it has only been by His grace you kept moving. Though it is a privileged experience for us to share our testimony and accord all the glory to God without man interfering in between. I may look young, but I have learnt a lot in this life which is making me stronger as the day passes by. Those who showed me their back in the beginning and pick up quarrel when I needed them most are the ones who are there to celebrate the success, not that they deceived me, but because they thought it for evil but our God turned it around for my good. Do not fear man, respect men but fear God. So many of us miss it when we respect God but fear men which is unjust. Our lives are books which will shock the world when finalised. God can pick you from the lowest places and use you as experiment of His ability. We are all in that journey with God, but only the faithful will get to the top with Him. Never allow anything distract you, each time I tell myself this, even if God say He is through with blessing me, I am still far better than where He picked me. I will forever remain grateful to Him. Our problem is we always give men the trust and glory we should be giving God, which is why we are easily messed up at last. It can be very disappointing to put your trust in men, it does not matter their status or how surely they have promised. All the men I had wanted to be in the past are all not really what I should be proud to become because my taste of who to be has now changed. Never pray to be anyone, be what God want you to be, it feels very good and fulfilling. God is faithful and trust worthy which is why I speak the way I speak. Be a very happy person, be happy in your marriage and remain in love with your family, but in your happiness refuse to accept any injustice done to the gospel which has also become my burden. Be responsible, humble, loyal to all authority but also be wise as you serve the lord without fear and never let the last days preachers deceive you with their foreign doctrines. Finally, let the world know that our God is good through you, it is a fulfilling experience.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 07:13:35 +0000

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