From 10 questions creationists cant answer #8 If creationism is - TopicsExpress


From 10 questions creationists cant answer #8 If creationism is scientifically valid, then why is it necessary to emphasize that the sectarian religous dogma of the Book of Genesis is the ultimate scientific authority? To put it simply, Genesis is not the ultimate scientific authority. It is the ultimate HISTORIC authority. It is a logical fallacy to assume that the only way to prove anything is with scientific evidence. This is far from true. Our court systems primary way of determining truth is by the examination of witnesses. The vast majority of people in our prisons were convicted not on forensic evidence, but on testimony. Genesis makes no attempt to be a science book. Neither God nor Moses felt the need to make it one. Genesis was written to a people and their progeny who had witnessed firsthand Gods miracles in the Exodus. They needed no scientific proofs because they knew firsthand that God was real, and if He said He did something, He did it. We in the modern era have not seen the miracles of Exodus for ourselves, but we do have archaeological evidence of the events in the book which perfectly support the biblical account. We also have 65 other books which corroborate the testimony about God given in Genesis, each of which have their own supporting historical evidences as well. And on top of that, miracles are still happening today. The mainstream media wont report them. Theyd be accused of fraud. But if you know where to look, youll find incredible works going on even today. People are being healed of incurable injuries and diseases in the name of Jesus. Not Budha, not Mohamed, not this or that member of the pantheon. Jesus. For me, I dont discredit evolution because i believe Genesis. Rather, evolution has failed completely on its own and thus I accept creation as the only viable alternative. Which creation? Why Genesis? Simply put, its the one that makes sense. I dont believe in Islam because the ideals are fundamentally flawed and the scriptures are hopelessly self-contradictory. I dont believe in Navajo legends because frankly, theyre ludicrous. The bible has withstood the tests of time and application, and Genesis has God forming Adam from dirt, with which we know we are chemically connected, and cloning Eve from Adams rib, which we know to be a viable process for creating a person. It just makes sense.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:02:22 +0000

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