From Andrea Baldocchi, to Romano Baldi. Gianni Misto, the harmony - TopicsExpress


From Andrea Baldocchi, to Romano Baldi. Gianni Misto, the harmony between past and future Gianni Misto, walking like a pilgrim among the signs of human history, tries to create a bridge between our modern times and words and images lost in our past. Misto is the master of this minimalist journey around the corner of our past, wandering in the crypts of our buried souls, trying to exhume their message of eternal humanity. He is a subtle dreamer; the influence of Etruscan civilization is the soul of his artistic awareness, made of the same ancient and sacred geometry, but redesigned by the spirit of an Etruscan descendant of the 21 st century…This synthetic and at the same time innovative spirit has been enriched by his berlin ecperience, which gave him a genuine anti rhetorical spirit and creative discipline. Misto has very steady , remote cultural roots, enriched with a modern spirit allowing him to create jewels which are like micro sculptures people can ‘ wear’, jewels which can stand the unbearable weight of banality and the weight of time. Jewels which are strong an vibrating in their concept, but delicate in their factual realization. There is some kind of celestial harmony in his creations, some kind of architectural emphasis, and it is from this celestial harmony that the creator tries to cope with the challenges of his modernity. Misto uses the concept of the cast iron of Baratti, getting rid of its drossy and irony vacuity to give birth to new and vibrating sculptures. By doing this, Misto brings the banality of our sleepy ‘ normality’ towards a different level, a level where passion travels towards the mistery of the unexplored, of the un-known, of the future.It is just as if he invite us, to say it with Shakespeare,to get rid of our state of awakened sleep because after all ‘ we are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep…’ ENGLISH TRASLATION --- ROMANO BALDI.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:07:52 +0000

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