From Chrissy- So, Im warning you all in advance that this is - TopicsExpress


From Chrissy- So, Im warning you all in advance that this is going to be a really long post. Bear with me, please. Thanks. On Nov. 23rd, I received a message from Angela Jones that she really needed a big favor. She needed Walmart gift cards because she had no gas in her car and her power went out. She had a $100 Target gift card coming in via certified mail on Tuesday and asked if I had any Walmart gift cards to trade for it. She asked for $50 and fortunately, I had a $75 one and a $25 card. I called it an even trade and helped her out. She thanked me and said shed send it out as soon as she received her Target gift card. On Nov. 29th, I read a post from Chasity Smith that said a friend of hers needed help and any Walmart gift cards would really help. She has cancer and Chasity really wanted to help her out. So, I private messaged Chasity and said I have a $40 gift card I could give her. I also found another $5 and gave it to her as well. Chasity said that her friend had a $50 Target gift card. Well, I declined and said that I was gifting it to her. Meanwhile, I had no idea that this was Angela again. Anyway, out of total randomness, I was chatting with Chasity through facebook chat and she mentioned Angela. She was saying how shes so sweet and I told her yeah, I helped her out with Walmart gift cards. And Chasity was like, yeah! You did it through me! I was like, no? What are you talking about? She PMed me and I gave her $100 worth of cards. After conversing about this for some time, we realized that something was very fishy. She mentioned to Chasity that she had a Target gift card coming via certified mail, on guess what day? TUESDAY. Gee, another one? What are the chances? I win lots of gift cards on Twitter and even I dont get that many gift cards within a week. In fact, I get these cards via UPS or FedEx usually. I dont think Ive ever gotten a gift card via certified mail. I even get Visa gift cards through regular mail. In fact, I just got a $50 Visa gift card today and it was through regular mail, NOT certified. ANYWAY, last Tuesday, Angela messaged me that she didnt write out my full address and the gift card was sent back to her. So, she wrote it all down and sent it out again that day. WELL, today is Wednesday. Its been a week. Ive sent mail to my mom in Canada thats gotten there in less than a week. Theres NO reason for mail to take THAT long when its traveling within the USA. Plus, she had NO trouble writing down the codes for the Walmart gift cards, using the very same day that I gave them to her. I just messaged her asking about the gift card and I know she read it. It says Seen at 1:55 or whatever the crap the chatbox says when someone reads your messages. Its been over half an hour and she hasnt explained herself. If youre innocent, you wouldve answered me right away to clear up any confusion. In conclusion, I truly believe that Ive been scammed. If you ever get a message from her asking for help and promising to pay you back, DO NOT BELIEVE HER. Im out $145 because of her. I feel really sorry for her that she had to stoop this low. Im a nice person, but dont ever take advantage of me. Im not going to just let this happen and not call her out on it. If youre friends with her, reevaluate your connection with her. I dont even know if she truly has cancer. If she lied about that, then that is the lowest thing you could ever do. Just take the gift cards and try to live with yourself after doing something like that. I know that I can live with myself because I did something good. Its just too bad that it wasnt for the right person.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:27:35 +0000

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