From Conservative Lady: I wish everyone realized the incredible - TopicsExpress


From Conservative Lady: I wish everyone realized the incredible importance of this upcoming election for Governor in Virginia. I wish people understood the devastating ramifications and consequences of electing a person like Terry McAuliffe as Virginias Governor. McAuliffe will attack and destroy freedom, faith and prosperity in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the same manner as Barack Obama has achieved on the Federal level. McAuliffe will seek to infiltrate the institutions of freedom and prosperity of Virginia with an Obama-driven agenda of liberalism, socialism and more government control of every citizens life. McAuliffe will attack and destroy our coal industry. McAuliffe will raise taxes on nearly every citizen in Virginia. McAuliffe will support and encourage the death of more pre-born children.... McAuliffe will weaken the Second Amendment and our gun rights. McAuliffe will bring more big government control and more liberal philosophy to our educational system. McAuliffe will enact more government regulations and higher taxes on both small and big businesses, while increasing unemployment in Virginia. McAuliffe will increase the size and scope of an already bloated government. McAuliffe will support and further the cause of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), which is the worst legislation to come out of the Federal Government in the modern era. Obamacare will destroy the best healthcare system in the world while socializing healthcare in the United States, and McAuliffe supports it 100%. McAuliffe will bring more of Washington, D.C. to Virginia instead of listening to our citizens and doing whats right and whats best for Virginia. Terry McAuliffe thinks government direction and control is the best way to lead, while Ken Cuccinelli believes in freedom, entrepreneurship, improving educational opportunity, less government, lower taxes, fully utilizing the wealth of our natural resources and the American spirit of ingenuity. Terry McAuliffe has not spent one day of his life in serving the citizens of Virginia in any form or capacity, and yet he now wants to be our Governor? His qualifications to serve as the Governor of Virginia consist of his experience in big government lobbying in Washington, D.C. and an endorsement from Bill and Hillary Clinton, which is reason enough to disqualify him without discussion. I hope you will join me in supporting and voting for Ken Cuccinelli for Governor on November 5th. Ken is a proven leader and a true servant of the citizens of Virginia. This election is way too important to sit it out or to not vote for the right person. I know Ken Cuccinelli personally, he is a good man, a dedicated servant and a great leader. Ken has a plan for the future of Virginia and I want to personally ask you to vote for him on Election Day because the future of Virginia and your freedom is in the balance. ~Mike Honaker ~
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 02:43:35 +0000

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