From Faustace Chirwa..... Comrades, Seasons greetings and - TopicsExpress


From Faustace Chirwa..... Comrades, Seasons greetings and may the New Year bring you renewed hope, peace, happiness and cash gate free prosperity! I have my own thoughts on the planned 13 January 2015 demonstrations being masterminded by CEDEP, CHHR, MHEN, MANERELA and MANET in reaction to NACGATE so they say and on behalf of those infected and affected with HIV and AIDS in Malawi. Yes, these humanrights organizations are mandated through the Trustees Incorporation Act of 1962 to promote and protect peoples humanrights including health rights. However I humbly demand clarification from these leaders on their neutrality in this initiative! Are they apolitical? I know that the majority of these NGO leaders were among the group of humanrights NGO leaders who comprised a group that visited the Former President at Kamuzu State House in 2012 where as usual khakhi envelopes exchanged hands. This meeting preceded the appointment of the MANERELA ED as Presidential Adviser responsible for NGO affairs! Others in the group were appointed to various Statutory Corporation Boards in various positions! Would we blame those believing in the school of thought that the planned demonstrations are politically motivated? Hold on to your thought! Nobody denies that the so-called NACGATE is real but in agreement with Rafiq Hajats view expressed this afternoon during Capital 12 noon news brief, have we really exhausted all means of dialogue to resolve this NACGATE issue amicably with the organiztions involved i.e BEAM, Mulhakho Wa Alhomwe and NIB to avoid these planned demonstrations in view of the 21 innocent lives lost on July 20 2011 whose relations have not been compensated to date? And this verbal war between the NACGATE advocates and the perceived ANTI-NACGATE group (Robert Mkwezalamba and Billy Mayaya just to name a few) to whose benefit is it? What impression does the donor community have of CSOs/NGOs in this country? Today we dine with the State President and receive gratification in khaki envelopes and tomorrow we are up in arms with the same Samaritan! Why not engage him to resolve this governance issue and other national issues of concern? It is a well known fact that the current leadership has cropped in his own team of NGO leaders that if these NACGATE proponents were among this group the issue of demonstrations would not have arisen! This is just my thought. Could the new CONGOMA Chair intervene and try to put in order the NGO Sector so that it can regain its lost glory? No wonder almost all NGOs are literally closed except for CEDEP and a few other NGOs, due to lack of funding as donors have lost trust in most of our organizations! Lets not cheat ourselves that they (donors) dont know the political games we are playing in camera and that we are wolves in sheeps skins! Proponents of NACGATE please talk to APM! If indeed the former President was awarded K72 million through the JBF then a way must be found to claim this money as well if it was not used for implementation of HIV/AIDS related activities! I would not be surprised if the NACGATE proponents include me in the ANTI-NACGATE team! Who cares! It is the CSO/NGO double standards that am not amused with! My intuition assures me that if Malawi has a crop of devil leaders, the current leader irrespective of his shortcommings is a better devil to leade this country as of now and given the multitude of social and economic challenges the country is facing and the level of peoples suffering! He has demonstrated that he is a good listener (ref. the working dinner he hosted for the opposition leaders) and if he could be supported in an environment devoid of dissent, he could correct the current challenges the country is entangled in, in the immediate future. Remember that if the Malawi ship sinks we all sink with it! Lord have mercy on our beloved Malawi. Faustace
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:34:09 +0000

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