From Jerusalem August 8, 2014 Much catching up to do! We have - TopicsExpress


From Jerusalem August 8, 2014 Much catching up to do! We have done so much, that at the end of a 12-hour packed day, I just needed to rest to get ready for the next day. CUFI, led by the Lord, put together a two-day eye-opening trip for its Solidarity Tour. All 50 states and the District of Columbia were represented as we travelled demonstrating solidarity and seeing what is happening now. SDEROT, A town 13 years under rocket fire. Had it not been for the 72-hour truce, we would not have been able to be in this town. Its brave citizens live on the front lines to possess their God-given lands. Many shops were closed as we stood in the city where CBN’s Middle-East correspondent, Chris Mitchell, interviewed me for the piece he is putting together on our Solidarity Tour. We understand this will be broadcast on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club next Monday, August 11. I always record this program so I can get an accurate reporting of current events including Israel. (As a rather personal aside, a local resident offered their personal bathroom for our use. We climbed four flights of stairs to get to it. Lynne Hammond and Heather Bergstrom timed how long it took them to get down the stairs. It was well over the 15 seconds notice Sderot’s residents get to go to the shelters before a rocket attack.) GAZA Overlook We stood just outside Sderot, a border town, looking over into Gaza. As I said, this was only possible because of the 72-hour truce, which was broken this morning. So far, we have not had sirens in Jerusalem. Iron Dome Three girl soldiers spoke to us at the facility near Askelon and Ashdod. The watchers there have split seconds to “hit the red button” that sends up an interceptor. The picture shows them allowing us to pray for them. Again, we could not have been here except for the truce. Special Speakers Several outstanding speakers have given reports of the current events. There was none so moving as the father of one of the three young men who were murdered trying to get home from school. Ofir Sha’ar opened his heart as he shared pictures of their family. Their son, Gil-Ad was the only brother of four sisters. The pictures showed the five siblings enjoying fun loving times. Ofir spoke of his wife, Bat Galim, with great admiration. Eighteen days passed between the abduction and the time the parents learned their son was murdered. Mr. Sha’ar described it in detail. Then he said, his wife spoke to him of what she felt they had to do. They came to the decision to only think and speak positively. Later, we spoke of this to our friend, Dov at his Shorashim Book Store. He said that what that family did gave courage to the entire country and solidified Israel, the right and the left, etc., as he had never seen in 30 years. Moving to Another Hotel The group left yesterday. Lynne and Heather, Shelli and I are moving to a more centrally located hotel. And I have only a few minutes left before we must check out. So---I will write more tomorrow. Love in Him, Billye Brim THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS and for your financial support! May you know the blessing promised to those who bless Israel.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:36:51 +0000

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