From Juice Plus+ Connections at your Virtual Office: Your - TopicsExpress


From Juice Plus+ Connections at your Virtual Office: Your Questions: Your new JuicePlus questions answered First I wanted to thank all of you for your feedback, questions, and comments. We greatly appreciate hearing from all of you and, as you know, we take your thoughts and feedback very seriously. Below are the top questions I’ve received concerning the new JuicePlus along with corporate’s response. Q. Why isn’t my phone number and email address showing up at the top of the page with my name and photo? A. For several years we have been getting feedback from some of you that your personal phone numbers and email address were being ‘scraped’ off of your personal websites by telemarketers and companies that compile lists of email addresses and sell them to telemarketers, so we took action. To protect your privacy, we put your email address and phone on the Contact Us page on your personal website. So, when a visitor to your site clicks on the Contact Me link at the top of every page, they’re taken to the Contact Us page where your phone number is displayed and the message will be sent directly to your email. Q. What happened to the video on our home page?! And why are the rest of the videos hidden? A. Thank you for making it clear to us how important it is for a Juice Plus+ video to be accessible from our home page. We are currently working on adding a Featured Video box to the home page and will include a link to ‘View All’ that will take you to the Library where the rest of the videos live. We are continuously working on adding additional videos to the Library, so feel free to let me know what videos you’d like to see there. Q. How do I change my marquee if I want to feature the 3-blend combination (Orchard, Garden, and Vineyard) rather than the 2-blend (Orchard and Garden)? A. To change your marquee, go to the My Websites page under the Personal File tab. The options will be at the bottom of that page. Q. Where are the ingredients labels? A. We have been in the process of finalizing the labels for our new bottles and pouches. In fact, if you go right now and look in the Store, you will find the new Nutrition Facts panel and Ingredients List for all three capsule blends. We will be uploading the same information from the new Juice Plus+ Chewables pouches as soon as the final versions are available. Q. Why isn’t the website resizing well for smaller screens? A. As you can imagine, building a new website like our new JuicePlus is no simple feat. We found this particular problem in our testing of the website prior to launch, and we immediately started working on the fix. We hope to have the resizing fix tested and implemented in the next several weeks. Jackie Richardson
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 18:31:04 +0000

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