From Liu Ming laoshi FEBRUARY 21-25 2014 ** CHINESE ASTROLOGY - TopicsExpress


From Liu Ming laoshi FEBRUARY 21-25 2014 ** CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE: The Qi Node Rain Water continues. The yang qi radiates from beneath the surface and recalls yin from above. Rain would be a good sign. Calling yang up and out remains hazardous. Fri Feb 21 – 1st moon/22nd day Today is like Wednesday with the option of retreat. Either work closely with others (team effort) or call in sick and sit quietly all day. It is a great day for making plans, acquiring tools, taking stock and doing routine business. There is also a small window for the fruition of a very long-term effort (particularly of a focused cooperative group/team). Big changes could happen, but according to plan. It is not a good day to bury the dead or visit gravesites. Travel is okay if you are traveling in a group. Channel qi sinks today. It will be difficult to get pulses straight and “engage” the qi in the channels. The Large Intestine channel is open. Use Bladder 62 vigorously – some discomfort is ok. Expect herb formulas, cups and diet suggestions to carry the power of the treatments today. Sat Feb 22 – 1/23 The qi has a splendid quality but a few landmines as well. To find the qi of the day it is best to slightly withdrawn. What’s good about the day is given not taken. No need to struggle or make effort. More-or-less work on how to express you gratitude and how to distribute your gifts and rewards. It would be really easy to “hook up” for all the wrong reasons and pay heavily later. Today’s dalliance could invoke divorce or criminal charges so be cool and hugs only. No matter how much you study it won’t sink in so enjoy some music instead. Buy something handmade. The Lung channel is open. Use Lung 7 anytime as well as Kidney 6 or 3. Abdominal and clavicle area massage is enhanced. Eat Hainan chicken. Sun Feb 23 – 1/24 One of the great Xiang Er mandates (orthodox Daoism) is to Cease with Sufficiency – make it the rule of the day. Just because the qi is abundant does not mean you need to ride it outward or squander it. The best way to avoid the tendency to overdo or offend today is to share and redistribute wealth and information. For different reasons than yesterday stick with hugs – keep your knickers on. Brunch is a good idea. The Bladder channel is open. Decocted herb formulas are enhanced. Foot bladder points are popping all day. Mon Feb 24 – 1/25 Punishment befalls anyone who acts out of turn with selfishness. Check your resources well they are likely to be only potential resources today. The good qi is with the patterns of spiritual practice, good sense and discipline. Postpone action is favor of education – gather advice. Consult the oracle. Good news from unexpected resources may arrive. Following mentors, teachers and elders is advised. It is ok to start a long journey. Postpone contract signing, starting a new job and pushing your agenda. It is the 1st moon Dakini puja day. The Kidney channel is open. Spleen 4 is good for office hours (add Kidney 6 between 5-7pm). Cup the umbilicus between 1-3pm to move stagnant qi. Tue Feb 25 – 1/26 Today is one of the commemorative days for the Zhang family lineage of Orthodox Daoism (Tianshidao). It is also a traditional Chinese God of Wealth Day. Orthodox Daoist families would pile fresh offerings (fragrant fruit [citrus] and flowers) high on their altars today. Bow at least 9 times. The qi of the day has a boldness to it that is generally auspicious. Spend time with the children. It is auspicious to start a new job, get a haircut, move house, start a journey and get new insights from routine work. The Gallbladder channel is open. Use Gallbladder 40 and 41. Use source points most of the day. In your morning exercise rotate the waist and stretch the ribcage up and side to side. FIRST MOON 2014 – FIRE TIGER or “Forest Tiger” The Fire Tigers inspires risk-taking and is full emotional landmines and passion. Uncontrolled drama and half-baked scheming make for a dark and calamitous fortune. This moon is suited to wars of passion (no strategy or skillfulness). Fire Tiger moon often exacerbates bad karma and burdens us with more entanglements. In a Fire Tiger moon a teacher/mentor can be a savior, as education (even punishment) are key to escaping the worst of the portents. Many people will die from incidental wounds or accidental injury. Crippling respiratory and circulatory illness suddenly develop (or go acute) from what appear to be minor bad habits. Rain Water Qi Node : New Yang awakens and New Yin responds :: Old Yin departs WOOD (4am Lung) Yu Shui The Dipper points to Branch Yin Tiger – means urging Rain Water is the gentle, first yin response to the new, emerging yang. Heaven and Earth renew their active relationship. The moisture of the first spring rains refreshes Earth. This Yin rain gives the Yang trapped in Earth (seeds, grains) nourishment. If the response of the Yang of Earth is weak, or if rain does not come, decay, rot and mold may occur. If yang responds well seeds break open under ground. Yang is “jump started” in this qi node, but there may still be very few signs. Yang has survived another winter. Though Spring Festival is over fresh offerings are made at ancestor and Earth altars to support Yang. This is the gan ying principle. Yin is weak and yang still unformed, effort or exertion must be avoided. During this qi node qi is best at 4am. One should practice neigong just before dawn facing the sun as it rises in the northeast. Do not exert yourself, but let the yang and yin play – this renews us and gives us longevity. When the sun is up walk about the courtyard with arms akimbo. Loosen up. The environment is becoming very “friendly” and “yangish” - it is no longer pernicious, but it is our own impulsiveness (inner yang) that is dangerous. Impulse is the major pathogen. Injuries often occur and as the san jiao strengthens we may overeat. Spring is renewed but caution, rather then enthusiasm, makes it work. Yang is also beginning to move on its own. Mild and inspired, new actions are auspicious and rewarding. Avoid being “very productive”. Cultivate the qi of spring by reading new fiction and watching the latest film. Go for short walks outdoors and enjoy and/or play new music - improvise.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:16:14 +0000

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