From McCains Office: Passing Resolution Copper Land Exchange - - TopicsExpress


From McCains Office: Passing Resolution Copper Land Exchange - Major Victory For Arizona The NDAA also included a provision that paves the way for the expansion of the Resolution Copper Mine in Superior, Arizona. I am extremely proud of the teamwork that went into moving the Resolution Copper Land Exchange forward, most notably the efforts of Senator Jeff Flake, Congressman Paul Gosar, and Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick. After nearly a decade, Resolution Copper will finally be able to expand its operations underground within reach of one of the top five undeveloped copper ore deposits in North America, spurring domestic copper production, creating jobs for Arizonans, and growing the local and state economy. The Resolution Copper Mine will be of significant strategic importance for our state and nation. The mine is estimated to create 3,700 mining-related jobs in and around the Town of Superior and generate more than $61 billion in economic value for our state over the life of the mine. This is no small feat for a town in which a quarter of its residents live below the poverty line. The Resolution Copper Mine will also make vital contributions to our national security. At full capacity, the mine could produce roughly 25 percent of our nations domestic copper supply, which is used to build stable supplies of copper for the equipment, ammunition, and electronics of our armed forces. Nearly 10 years ago, Senator Kyl and I first introduced a bill known as the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act, which would transfer to Resolution Copper approximately 2,400 acres of Forest Service land it needs to grow. In exchange, the company would transfer to the federal government 5,000 acres of the companys most environmentally significant land located throughout the state. Unfortunately, a minority of environmental groups and Native American tribes stalled this legislation for years based on claims that it would exempt the mine from laws protecting the environment or sacred tribal sites. The Resolution Copper Land Exchange includes significant compromises to address these issues. First, the bill requires a full environmental impact study on the mine in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act before the land is officially transferred to the mine. Second, the bill guarantees that Native Americans can continue to access the Forest Service campground called Oak Flat for many years until the mining company needs to mine underneath it. Third, the bill guarantees that Apache Leap, which is celebrated by Native American lore, is not part of the mine and is permanently protected through a special area designation that the Forest Service will manage. Indeed, Resolution Copper has the potential to transform Arizonas economy and provide essential resources for our men and women in uniform. Im very proud that by working together, we were able to advance this crucial project, and am confident that we will soon see its positive impact across our state and nation.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:37:57 +0000

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