From Not On This Watch...~p3 IT’S TIME FOR OBAMA TO - TopicsExpress


From Not On This Watch...~p3 IT’S TIME FOR OBAMA TO RESIGN This is an appeal to all American voters. Far-left liberals will scoff. Perhaps some will attempt to retaliate, as they have already done by illegally using the Internal Revenue Service to chill challenges to Obama opponents. However, there is no escaping the monumental evidence that American citizens have been betrayed. From intentional refusal to enforce immigration laws, to fraudulent manipulation of census data to inflate unemployment numbers during the 2012 election, illegal spying, bailout schemes for cronies, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Obamacare, the list is a slam book of criminal activity. Serious investigations have been underway for several years. Our intention is to firmly plant a seed among We The People that this administration is a dangerous threat to the nation, and that if it remains in power, a nation of laws will be scuttled and We The People, By The People, For The People becomes a footnote to history. What is already emerging is a nation ruled by whim, fiat, secrecy, revision and by lies. Truth is the foundation of legitimacy. Does an apology remedy a lie? How many lies and abuses of power and trust does it take for the sleeping giant to roar, enough is enough? How many Democrats currently holding office in any capacity will continue to be blinded by the ideology of government superiority over the masses, instead of adhering to the 226 year old document called the U.S. Constitution whose purpose is to limit the power of the federal government and not the American people? What is the Democrats’ threshold for corruption? Only if that corruption or lie or violation is committed by an opponent? We are in the midst of a Constitutional crisis and a crisis of trust. In 2000, Georgia State Law Professor, Neil Kinkopf (who served as counsel to Joe Biden when Biden was a U.S. Senator), authored “Constitutional Category of Impeachable Offenses Comprising Treason, Bribery or Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Kinkopf writes: “There is a broad consensus that a necessary element of any high crime and misdemeanor is great injury directly to the constitutional system of government…Impeachment is applicable when the action threatens to cause serious, immediate injury to society itself…when actions are egregiously harmful abuses of official powers.” Is this clear enough? But make no mistake: while there are many other impeachable offenses committed by Obama, impeachment remains an impractical remedy. This is not only because the majority party of Senate Democrats, despite being complicit in the Obamacare fraud, would fail to convict their ideological leader, but impeaching Obama and installing Joe Biden as President of the United States continues to maintain the status quo of unprecedented corruption by Democrats. Senate minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, calls for the 2014/16 elections to change the government. He is apparently unaware of Andrew McCarthy’s November 14 National Review Online expose: Obama Committed Serial Voter Fraud and, perhaps, chooses to ignore the voter fraud committed by Senate Democrat, Al Franken, the needed 60th vote to pass Obamacare. House Speaker, John Boehner, merely states that Obamacare is not fixable. Isn’t the real question: Is the country fixable under an administration that consistently and contemptuously violates the public trust? The Obamacare fraud is the tip of an iceberg of massive abuses of power, broken laws, deceptive practices and irrevocable failures on the domestic and global stage. The toll to American economic health, to health and general welfare, to Constitutional survival is staggering and crippling. There are serious legal issues surfacing about the unconstitutionality of that infamous grandfather clause, forced into the Obamacare bill by Democrats despite 100% objections by Republican. This was the clause that became central to Obama’s 2012 campaign manipulation of voters: those who already had insurance could keep it, as well as their doctors. It was a well-executed lie, and has been exposed by not only NBC Investigative Reports, but by just about every media outlet however they try to spin it. Did Obama and Democrats also know that the grandfather clause appears to be a blatant violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause? You cannot treat one class of people differently than others, and that is exactly what they did. The same applies to the vast amount of Obamacare waivers Obama granted to his cronies. In addition, was there illegal collusion between the administration and insurance providers? It is time for Obama AND Biden to resign NOW. We are a tragically broken people. Those who have worshipped Obama may not be ready to admit that he is a fallen idol. For anyone who has suffered betrayal at the hand of a skilled, ruthless manipulator, you can either choose to continue being violated, or you can make a decision to stop being fooled. What is YOUR line in the sand? Obama and his regime are toxic to our Constitutional Republic. There are two ways to force his resignation: massive media outcry and massive peaceful protests. And then there is the right way: Obama and Biden should be asked to resign by those Democrats continuing to ride the bandwagon of deception and lies. Thirty-nine Democrats broke with their party to sign the Republican generated Save Your Healthcare Act. Democrats knew for three years that it was all a lie, intended to steal the 2012 elections. New polls show that 23% of those who voted for Obama would NEVER have voted for him had they been told the truth. The entire Obama regime needs to immediately pack their bags. We can only pray that enough Democrats understand our nation’s freefall down the rabbit hole and apply the brakes. Lest anyone suppose this is a Republican effort to unseat a corrupt president, BLIND loyalty is potent and immovable. BLIND loyalty is also partisan. Bi-partisanship can also be the kiss of the death, politically and for the nation. This is one rare time in history that bipartisanship is urgently needed. We have a national tragedy that is tearing us apart. We can no longer believe Obama and his administration about anything, including Iran. Author Daniel Greenfield said it best: “Liars don’t trust or respect people.” At the deepest, most penetrating level, every American has been betrayed. Shall we gather at the river? From the Editorial Board Not On This Watch
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:37:08 +0000

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