From Save Icc: Campaign statement 18th March 2014, please share - TopicsExpress


From Save Icc: Campaign statement 18th March 2014, please share this far and wide we really need to get the word out on this injustice to our kids and community. We learned today that six employees from the Immaculate Conception College have been given notice of redundancy. These six people include four teachers and two classroom assistants. This announcement comes just days after investment has been announced for other schools in the north. We are deeply saddened to hear that such dedicated members of staff will now join the ranks of the unemployed. The dedication shown by these staff members is immeasurable and as such was noted in the 2009 Follow-up Inspection report courtesy of the Education and Training Inspectorate. The report also made reference to how “a significant number of pupils have joined the school for whom English is not their main language.” Tonight our children are distraught with the news and now fear they face being placed into schools miles from home which are already over subscribed. On the 19th of March we hand delivered a letter to our local parish priest & school governor Fr. Michael Canny. To date Fr Canny has refused to acknowledge receipt of the letter or to address the issues outlined in our correspondence to him. We will be contacting the Bishop for a meeting over Fr Cannys conduct with regard to his refusal to address our concerns. It would seem that the position of the Catholic Church is somewhat disingenuous in this case. A consultation carried out by the Catholic Council of Maintained Schools closed on Feb 10th 2014. The consultation was on proposed plans to begin closing the school on a phased basis, starting in September. It is evident that CCMS have already begun to close the School on a phased basis in advance of publication of the findings of the consultation. We would further raise concerns at what would appear to be a predetermined outcome irrespective of the consultation. We are now calling on CCMS, the Western Education and Library board and the Department of Education to clarify their position on the outcome of the yet unpublished consultation and we demand that they explain how they can begin this phased closure less than one month of the consultation closing. We are also calling on elected representatives from across this city to use their influence to demand openness, honesty &transparency in this process. ---------------------------------------------
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:02:52 +0000

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