From Sonya Miller Crist~ I was encouraged to share our story, - TopicsExpress


From Sonya Miller Crist~ I was encouraged to share our story, even though part of it is painful. Aaron was a very easy baby and toddler, always happy, affectionate, and even compassionate. Shortly after 2 years, he began having tantrums and just generally being unmanageable. We chalked it up to the terrible twos and a strong will. He did seem a little better over the next couple of years, but from about 5 years on to now, 10 years, he grew progressively worse. He would storm off to his room and sob. He would say he was worthless, his life had no meaning, and talk about dying. he wrote notes that said he hated himself, and was sure everyone else did, too. He was always tired and had trouble focusing. He complained of having no friends, but I couldnt blame anyone for not wanting to be friends. I was his mom, and I didnt even like him. He used to be cuddly, but now I couldnt walk by and pat him on the shoulder, he would huff and shrug me off. When he was seven, we had him tested for allergies. Turns out he was severely allergic to dairy, so we removed that from his diet. It did help, but just not enough. He began talking more about hurting himself, beginning to mention more specific ways, which is very scary as a mother. In November 2013, we heard about Plexus, and how much it had done for a 12 year old cousin, who use to have symptoms even worse than Aarons. We decided we had to try Plexus- what was there to lose? From the very first day, there were no fits or deep depressed funks. On day 6, he had been in bed for a few minutes, when he came down very upset. He realized we had forgotten to drink Plexus that day. He gets up to pee a lot at night, so I told him we would just skip, because I didnt want to disturb his sleep even more. He had his first and only fit since starting. I relented and let him drink it! He realized how much it was helping him! Since then, he has quit backtalking me (he used to argue with literally every word I said), he has become physically affectionate, coming to us and giving long hugs for no reason, he does chores without fussing, and even does things without being asked. The other day I muttered, mostly to myself, that the snow was getting deep, and we should shovel the walk. A few minutes later, he was out there, and it took him probably 30 minutes, because he did the whole sidewalk (we live on a corner, so twice as much)! He is kind to his siblings, and responsive to our discipline, where before nothing seemed to work. All these changes happened in the space of 4 weeks, and he has commented many times about how good he feels now, and has encouraged me to tell others because they might need it, too! All I can say is, Plexus has been a miracle, and I thank God for it! I cant help but share our experience, as it was through others sharing that we received such help for our precious son.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:01:04 +0000

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