From Sunday, January 4ths SOZO Messenger: A Year of Health, - TopicsExpress


From Sunday, January 4ths SOZO Messenger: A Year of Health, Growth and Love “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16 (NLT) Happy New Year, Sozo Family! 2015 promises to be a great year! We know that God has great plans in store for us, and we look forward to moving ahead in that direction! The Lord has had us in Ephesians 4 for a few weeks now, and has given revelation in many areas of our lives. He is asking us to not just “talk the talk”, but “walk the walk”. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, and in most cases that is such truth! We live in a world that is searching for the authentic and not the fake! They want a true encounter with the Lord, and we believe it’s the only thing that will bring true peace and happiness in their lives. So, we asked…how do we get them to encounter the Lord? And, the answer was simple, be the Jesus they are longing to see. Well, how do we do that, you ask? By doing your part and allowing your gift to unleash and flow through you! See, God has given each of us a special work (or gift) that helps others grow and mature. The thing that we believe that He wants to see is for each of us to step out (action) and allow that gift to thrive in this family (or church). You’re part REALLY does matter when it comes to this church thriving and functioning at total wholeness and health! It takes you doing what you’ve been instructed to do so that we can offer our community a safe, and whole body, that will love and nurture them to the maturity and growth that He desires for them to attain. If we don’t do our part, it’s like our physical body trying to operate at its full capacity without a part. We know that there are those who can live a full life without an arm or leg, but they’re limited to do what others, who have all their parts, can do. That’s why it is so vital for each of us to know what our gifts are and allow them to flow freely, and when we come together (unity), it causes this church to show the authenticity of Heaven and the true flow of His unconditional love! So, you ask, “how do we know what we’re gifted to do?” It is simple, seek the Father. Ask Him. His Word says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matt. 7:7 NLT) When we ask, He will show us the answer! But, as with any relationship, it requires communication! And, healthy communication is a two way street. It’s you talking to Him and Him talking to you. Another way is to seek the Holy Spirit and His direction. He will begin to unveil to you exactly what you’ve got to “bring to the table” and add to what this body (Sozo) is doing! It requires each of us doing our individual part, by being in His presence, asking and seeking Him for direction and answers, and then coming together (NOT forsaking the fellowship with others) to see what we have to offer when we meet and dine at His table! And, amazingly, if we all will do our part, it provides a full course meal for those who are hungry, so that they can come and dine, as well! So, to wrap it up, we want to ask each of you to, first, take inventory of where you are right now. Big or small, you fit in this body! We need YOU and your gifts to be able to do what God has laid out for us this year. Secondly, we’re asking for you to step out and be bold. When He instructs you to do something, step up and do it. It could be, through your boldness that others gain their ability to step out and shine, as well. Thirdly, we’re asking you to love unconditionally. We have to make sure that our words line up with our actions. What we are saying lifts up our brothers and sisters and takes them to the next level and doesn’t hinder them from allowing their unique gifts to be seen. It takes all of us doing our part and offering our gifts so that we can function as a healthy, growing and loving church family! We bless you guys and are looking forward to your uniqueness rising up and shining like never before in this upcoming year! Blessings, Pastors Jason and Jodi
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:20:19 +0000

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