From a #Zumlovey I wanted to say that I am so grateful for - TopicsExpress


From a #Zumlovey I wanted to say that I am so grateful for your products. I have, for so many years, had to be so careful of what I put on my skin for fear of an eczema breakout which began when I worked in a kitchen of a nursing home and my mom blamed on the industrial strength soap I came in contact with daily...the real cause, I do not know. I just know, in my next job as a bank teller, my hands were so bad that people would not let me put the money in their hand once they saw mine. And then when I was going to have my first child, I finally went to a dermatologist to find out what it was so that I was not going to pass it on to my child in some way. Enter into my life a cortisone cream. I finally learned, by trial and error, to avoid certain dish soaps, hand soaps, lotions. It has been easier to just not use any, though, logically soap cannot be avoided. So, it has been like being in a dreamworld of goodness with your products. My first purchase, through our local natural foods store, of a single bar of soap that I hoped would help the eczema on my forehead. I did not know I could enjoy washing my hands so much. Like looking forward to, lingering in the enjoyment before finally rinsing...because in reality, how much time should one spend washing their hands? and then the feeling of softness after, like I had just used hand lotion rather than soap. And so, I thought I would give more of your products a try and sought you out online. Zum Face.....I love all of it!! I confess, I have not tried the Zum & Go Rhassoul Clay Mask yet because I keep eating the avocados :) . I have read since in my search for the benefits of this clay that one should not use metal for mixing, something to do with the ions so perhaps you might want to add that to your description/instructions or something. I bought three of the face oils, Zum Face (I use morning), Argan and Sea Buckthorn. I have alternated the last two in the evenings. So, I am unsure of exactly what is working in the lineup, but I no longer have a pronounced red, raised patch across the top of my brows and edging down the bridge of my nose. It is not gone. I still can slightly feel where it is, but it is not red, itching, or flaking. Sorry, if that sounds gross. Zum Body lotion. Living in Florida, in the summers after showers, it is often pointless to put conventional lotions on. Yes, it locks in the moisture, but you just end up hot and feeling like you just smoothed a fine layer of plastic over your skin and cannot cool down. So, I am so happy to finally be able to use a lotion and moisturize. The Lavender Shampoo Bar. I dont want to use any other shampoo again. No more itchy scalp. :) No conditioners needed. Anyway, I am gradually working my way through the products you have available and enjoying everything. I thank you for taking the time to listen to my expression of gratitude for getting my daily beauty ritual back. Everyday, I look forward to indulging in using my Zum everything.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:15:00 +0000

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