From his official CBS Survivor: San Juan del Sur cast bio - TopicsExpress


From his official CBS Survivor: San Juan del Sur cast bio page: Current Residence: New York, N.Y. Occupation: Broadway Performer/Model/Aerialist Personal Claim to Fame: Having raised over $130,000 for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS to date via my personal fundraising group Team Yellow Bucket. I also cook a really great steak and I am an experienced hugger. Inspiration in Life: My mom. She is an incredible woman who humbly strives to care for and shape the future and the present, of thousands of students and staff daily. She manages to do this while also being an amazing and supportive mother/wife on a daily basis. How can one not be inspired by this? Hobbies: Working out, walks with my pup, watching documentaries, Survivor, google-journeys, eating good food and Earth/cosmic science. Pet Peeves: Slow walkers on the sidewalks of NYC, exceedingly slow baristas and lazy individuals who don’t utilize the gifts/opportunities they have been given. 3 Words to Describe You: Perfectionist, outgoing, overachiever. If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) My Bible – because man cannot live by bread (or rice) alone. 2) My pillow – because it would be a super comfy piece of home and I perform better well rested. 3) A mirror – because sometimes as a dancer you have to be able to look at yourself in the eye and say “pull up and push through! You’re not actually that hungry.” I think this would work well for me as a Survivor castaway too. Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: Yikes. Hopefully I will be unlike anyone thus far (in a good way), but if I had to pick: Malcolm Freberg and Stephenie LaGrossa for their hyper-competitiveness and athleticism; Bob Crowley for his nerdy science knowledge and ingenuity; and Lisa Whelchel for her faith. Reason for Being on Survivor: I’m dying to play this game. You can never truly know what your limits are until you push them. I’m tired of watching others do it and I’m ready to experience it for myself firsthand. Why You Think You’ll “Survive” Survivor: Im good at maintaining a positive mindset, Im resourceful and I’m physically fit. Im not a quitter, I enjoy being outdoors plus I can make fire. Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: Im a people-person who is physically tough, smart, well-spoken and strong willed; that last characteristic makes me a fighter until the end. I can lie when needed, I love to compete and I excel under pressure. What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Having the chance to participate in this adventure together, not to mention the joint lessons Im certain we will take away from it, will not only strengthen, but help fortify our relationship for the future. Im really excited about getting to do such a once in a lifetime thing with the guy I love.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 01:43:18 +0000

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