From inbox The 2013 elections have come and passed, the whole - TopicsExpress


From inbox The 2013 elections have come and passed, the whole nation has beeninexorably drawn into the vortex of trepidation as a cloud of uncertainty hangs over the future of Zimbabwe, we thought we might go down memory lane. Flash back 17 May, a post on Baba Jukwa s wall, purpotedly from a prophet via his facebook page’s inbox. an anonymous Zimbabwean prophet, through Baba Jukwa’s wall predicted that President Mugabe would win elections by a landslide margin. Baba Jukwa published the ‘prophecy’ on 17 May 2013 and iHarare has taken the liberty to republish it as well. However, be forewarned that iHarare has made as few grammatical corrections as possible in a bid to ensure we don’t add or subtract anything to it, and pursuant to that the prophecy will be in the native Shona Language it was originally published. The prophecywas aired by Baba Jukwa on 17 May – approximately two and half months before Zimbabwe held watershed the elections that culminated in a incredible victory for President Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party much to the chagrin of the mainstream opposition who had earlier on indicated it was impossible for Mugabe to win. The prophecy is below. Find attached a screenshot of the prophecy on Baba Jukwa s pages as it appeared on 17 May. How are you sir I will be happy if you could share this prophetic word of God with my fellow Zimbabweans. I wanted to post it on my profile but I saw that I havea small following than you and it isgood for my countrymen to see and hear what the Almighty God has shown me regarding what is to come. I was in a prayer and was in the spirit and I saw a vision of vaMugabe vachibuda muimba yehumambo vakasimudza banner rakanzi Mugabe has won Elections ne 64% ndakarwadziwa ndakatanga kuchema in my spirit. Ndakanzwa izwi raShe richiti “nyarare kuchema tarira”, ndakavhura maziso ndokuona ngirozi yaipenya zvikuru and the angel went to Mugabe and took the banner and the angel yakabvayakandira banner mumoto. Mushure mechinguvana chidukuduku I saw Tsvangirai achibuda muimba yehumambo yairatidza kungehuru kupinda yakambenge yabudwa navaMugabe. VaTsvangirai vachingobuda ndakaonazve ngiroziye yekupenya yadzoka ine dzimwe ngirozi yakabata banner ranga rakapetwa ndokusvikoritambidza vaTsvangirai ndokunzi vavhure pavavhura ndakandanzwa hwamanda kurira, nziyo dzekukunda dzakaimbwa nenyika yose pakangepakanyorwa kunzi Tsvangirai has won 2013 elections then I was confused that Mugabe has won and Tsvangirai has won too, then I asked how that could be. The Lord told me “Mugabe I had plans for him to win this elections but haana kugona kutevedzera zvandakamuudza kubva achitangakutonga nyika ndakazomutumira nhume yangu muna October 2007 uyezve akaramba kuiterera saka naizvozvo kwechinguvana chishomana ndirikumboisa Tsvangirai nekuti ndanzwa kuchema kwerudzi rwangu”. I then asked: But vanhu ava havazorambirire pazvigaro here uyezve vanozivikamwa nekuurayapanozoitwa sei? And the Lord showed me another vision. And I saw two groups of people, the first group comprised of 15 guys vakanga vanehunyanzvi hwehonho asi rainge rine marudzi mazhinji avanhu kusanganisira varungu. Rechipiri anga arimasoja nemapurisa iri group iri ranga riri guru handina kukwanisa kuverenga huwandu hwavo. The first group of 15 rakafamba richiuraya 112 vakuru vakuru veZanu pf. Ndakarwdziwa zvikuru nekufa kwavo and I asked: ko ava ndevapiko ava veboka iri? and the Lord said “this group of people were paid and sent by rich angry white and black business men to destroy every leadership yakaita kuti varasikirwe nehupfumi hwavo muZimbabwe”. I asked zvichaitiswa naTsvangirai here? and the Lord said “NO” and the Lord showed me a programe on TV paCNN were Tsvangirai angaachikumbira ruzhinji rweZimbabwe achiti “kuneuyo arikuita izvi avekuda kusvibisa zitarangu ndaikumbira mumire kuuraya vanhu vanotongwa nenhosvadzavo mumatare edzimhosva” but this gruop harinakumira. The I asked the Lord why He couldn’t stop the killings and the Lord said “Chaunodyara ndochaunokohwa” then I stoppedasking about that issue again. I then saw that the first group rakange rashota nevaviri and I asked where the two guys were and The Lord told me vapfurwa na***** (iHarare has withheld the name of the army boss) asati auraiwa nekuti iye akati mumoyo make handife ndoga ndosaka vashota”. The second group remasoja nemapurisa akapandukira vakuru vavo ndokutanga kuuraya vese vanechekuita neZanu pf and I asked koava vauraya havazoteverwi nengozi here and the Lord said “if you kill for the word of God to prevail hapana ngozi inokutevera vose vakaurayavarungu muhondo hanava ngozi yaivatevera asi vose vakauya vanhu vasina mhaka muhondo nanhasi vachiri kuteverwa nengozi idzodzo”. And I saw vanhu vazhinji varimuma farms vave kubuda paTV vachiti tatendeuka vave veMDC-T nerumwewo ruzhinji rwevanhu vekumamisha, ndakaona vana vavekudzidza mahara for primary education ndakaona nyika yavekufambira mberi, maroads mazhinji apera kugadzirwa, magetsi avekuwanikwa, mvura yakachena yavepo, mabasa avekuwanika, vanhu vazhinji vadzoka kunogara munyika mavo. And the Lord said to me “Tsvangirai ndamuisa semunhu anehushingi kuti adzikinure vanhuvangu asi ndinaye wandakazvisarudzira kutungamirira Zimbabwe anondiziva uyezve anoditya nekunditeerera, achatonga mumashure maTsvangirai”. We would love to hear your reactions on this? Do you believe in prophecies, do you think this will come to pass or its mere hogwash and daydreaming? Bear in mind Makandiwa, a kenyan prophet and a Malawian prophet have made similar prophecies. Whilst Makandiwa’s prophecy wascleverly worded and indirect, the Kenyan prophet and his Malawian counterpart have not minced theirwords. UPDATE: This is what other prophets had to say: Makandiwa was quoted last year saying that in 2013 a great wall shall fall in Zimbabwe and thousands of people will die thereafter. Makandiwa however added that civil servants would restore their economic viability as their salaries shall be substantial once more. His prophecy was muffled apparently for fear of victimisation and or political turmoil. Second to prophesy about Zimbabwe’s political situation wasa Kenyan prophet, Maxillar Mumo, founder of Christ Legacy Ministries (Kenya), who, on 30 July said: “Morgan Tsvangirai is anointed of God to lead the nation of Zimbabwe. Tell the nations the Lord says no matter how long they work against this Word, it shall come to pass because the Lord God is going to watch over His Word to perform it.” The prophet, a few days later added: “God continued to speak concerning the shake up of Zimbabwe and change of power today! Power must change Hands He says! As I was in the Spirit; I went into a vision and I saw that when Robert Mugabe is no longer in power, there will be great torture, humiliation and very hard times for his family and those that were close to him!”. On Sunday 4 August, another Malawian Prophet reportedly prophesied that Tsvangirai would become Zimbabwe’s president 2 months after the controversial elections. “I’m seeing a very old garment in this great Southern African Nation.People are wondering how and why people should continue to wear it. I also see some controversy surrounding the just ended elections in that country. Because of the controversy, I don’t see the president of that country last 2months in office” he said to the amusement of many,” said the Malawian prophet Chilomoni, of the Shepherd Ministry. (3262) article views
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 04:54:06 +0000

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