From the Arab League summit: - The Arab League chief delivered - TopicsExpress


From the Arab League summit: - The Arab League chief delivered the most scathing criticism, saying: The Israeli occupation of Israel is equal to the apartheid system. It is the last stronghold of colonialism in the 21st century and runs against the progress of history. - Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Salman bin Abdel-Aziz, said Israels policies undermine any hope toward a peaceful settlement, including the construction of Jewish settlements and insisting on the Jewishness of Israel. - Qatars ruler criticized fellow Arab leaders for not following through on a Qatari proposal made a year ago to set up a $1 billion fund to help the Arab residents of E. Jerusalem, defiantly stating that his tiny but super-rich nation will go ahead with the $250 million it has already pledged. - The Jordanian king vowed to protect Jerusalem and called for any peace deal to uphold Jordan’s interests. - Abbas was satisfied with the Arab summit resolutions and expressed support for reconciliation with Hamas. What we want from Hamas is to determine a date for elections in order to complete the Palestinian reconciliation. - Top Hamas official Sheikh Hassan Yousef said Hamas would accept a peace deal between the Palestinian Authority and Israel should it win approval in a national referendum. Source and more: us2.campaign-archive2/?u=8dc4822ca41e3938eb4a03c73&id=53ad2dfba4&e=b6c95f1d1a
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:47:48 +0000

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