From the Bishops Pulpit: Attah, Anah: My Own Personal Jesus—My - TopicsExpress


From the Bishops Pulpit: Attah, Anah: My Own Personal Jesus—My Jesus Piece Has Failed Me; I Just Want To Be Understood People usually want to minister or speak where they can be understood. But sometimes Christ doesn’t call you to be understood; He calls you to be obedient. A lot of things may take place in your life where a lack of understanding can only be satisfied by faith. Hebrews 11:3 reads, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of Elohim, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” So, we read that faith brings understanding but where you don’t have understanding you have to walk in faith. There are some things that Christ calls you into that you may not understand, but you must move by faith. Furthermore, we read, “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) The Heavenly Father wants you to move forward despite some evidence that you don’t yet have. Many people have their own personal Jesus—meaning they minister from the perspective of what they understand and not necessarily the fullness of who He is according to scripture. An example of this can be seen in the very existence of the name Jesus, which is an Anglicized name. (Anglicize: to make English in form and character). The Messiah’s name was Westernized and conformed to the culture and understanding of a particular group and or perspective and not from the truth of scripture. It’s as if Christendom is imperialistic, even “spoiled” demanding that the masses conform to the hegemony of a particular culture (i.e., the practice of westernizing or anglicizing the Scriptures and upholding it as an authentic, singular and authoritative truth despite proof otherwise.) Yet, it behooves the body to ask the question, what tradition or device of man has the power to usurp the authority of what the Heavenly Father has spoken? Throughout the word, when the Heavenly Father speaks no one is witness to what is spoken but the hearer. Indeed, the Heavenly Father will tell you something that will come up against your limited understanding, your superstitions, your good luck charms, even your Jesus Piece. For many, that Jesus piece or cross, which is worn around the neck, is akin to a good luck charm rooted in carnal understanding and rootless traditions. Bottom-line, your “Jesus Piece” fails you when you encounter something contrary to your mind’s eye or understanding. Too often, we come from the perspective that we just want to be understood, or we want to “guard” the understanding that we now possess, rejecting higher knowledge and truth. We are comfortable in our status quo and dare not be challenged even by Elohim. But when the Heavenly Father’s voice contradicts those tightly held beliefs or traditions (i.e., those idols) we are thrown into conflict and confusion. When the Heavenly Father answers, He’s going to answer by thunder. Yet, so often, we hear from the Heavenly Father and immediately doubt whether others will receive what He has revealed. We are tempted and led to debate, argue or complain against His revelation for fear of others not receiving what has been heard. When you’re not understood, the first place you go to is a place of loneliness or isolation. But in that place of loneliness and isolation, YHWH speaks deeply into our hearts. Yahn 12:27 “ Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.” Nun: at this time, at this present time, now Tarasso: to agitate, trouble, to cause an inward commotion Psuche: soul, breath of life, the seat of your feelings, the seat of your desires, the seat of your affections, your heart, seat of your passions and your appetites Epo: say, speak Sozo: to save, to keep sate, to be sound, to rescue from danger and destruction, to heal, to restore (health), to make prosperous Hora: hour, definite time or season, fixed by Yah Dia: cause You can’t receive your now as long as you’re stuck in your past. You can’t receive the name Yahshua (which is spiritual and eternal) as long as you’re stuck in your personal Jesus. This being true, the Heavenly Father brings change by using new souls—those not yet beholden to personal opinions and biases. Sometimes, it easier to train up a child in a new thought or understanding than to undo entrenched beliefs or suppositions in a man or woman. Too often, when the Heavenly Father is speaking boldly or prophetically, desiring to tell us something new, we want to tell Him what our personal Jesus already did. Yet, YHWH seeks to impart a greater wisdom and understanding. He seeks to dismantle those characterizations of the logos (word) contrived by man that blatantly disregard the truth. Too often, we throw in the face of YHWH what man has taught us. But how can a stranger characterize a person or voice he or she has not fully heard? How can we attempt to teach the Master about His own identity? You can’t perfect YAH! Man says I want to be understood so man seeks to conform Elohim to his own understanding. (Note: Christos has been transliterated into English as Christ, but this is not true of the Messiah’s name, Yahshua, which has been Anglicized and distorted instead of being preserved). When the Heavenly Father calls you being understood is not your goal but to be obedient to the call. Never distance yourself from your Abraham or Christ or someone that the Heavenly Father has called into your midst because you say, “they don’t understand you.” Do not seek agreement at the expense of truth and scriptural integrity. Are you stuck in something old when Christ Yahshua is calling you into something new? The Holy Spirit is coming up against your superstitions, doctrines and traditions (i.e., your own personal Jesus). Many are called but few are chosen and not every chosen person is faithful. Many of us are unfaithful because we say, “nobody understands me.” Don’t seek to build compassion through sin but cast forth your burdens. Sin is too heavy for us and most of all we don’t have a remedy for it. The Heavenly Father loves us enough to come up against our personal beliefs and strongholds that keep us bound where we are. Christ was called with a mission the same way you were called. He was even hurt and agitated by His passions, but His hurt didn’t overcome His call or choice to obey. Some people get so hurt by others not understanding them that they become confused and begin to drawback. You weren’t called to be understood but to speak. You weren’t called to be liked. You were called to a purpose and others will be drawn or repelled by your purpose. When you want to be understood you’re seeking approval or consensus. So many people judge their ministry by how people receive them. Ministry is not about how well you are received, but how well you obey the Holy Spirit who called you. Sometimes life is not easy but were you called there---to that uneasy place. When YHWH speaks to you in your prayer closet, he’s going to speak something into you that others need to hear. Then, mankind must compare what they have heard with what they already know. The first 300 years of the church the cross was not its sign. There was no such image of the Messiah crucified. Why do we want to memorialize his death when He is dead no more! Why do we memorialize being stuck on a cross when He’s not stuck there? Why are you stopping at Calvary when He reigned before Calvary and continues to reign after Calvary! Why do you emphasize what man did unto Him, yet he freely laid down his life. Why is the body stuck in an alpha word but refuses the omega word? Imagine if He had been killed by an electric chair. Would we choose to immortalize that image? There always comes a time when Christ challenges your faith, when you are forced to grow, and He demands that you take a step up from the foundation. The foundation is what allows you to build up. You weren’t called to stay at the foundation but you must increase. Scripture says if Christ would be lifted up, He would draw all mankind unto Him. There are so many disappointing things that occur in our lives (e.g., in our relationships) that were planned by the Holy Spirit to instruct us in the ways of our faith. In difficult times, faith will keep us fixed and loyal to YAH, our love is perfected and a covenant is upheld. There is something wrong when you take your now and make it your forever when you were called to pass through your now to get somewhere else. Sometimes, when you have true loyalty you might not understand the fullness of another soul, but you will be there for him or her. When the Heavenly Father answers you, He answers you by “thunder.” You must understand this figuratively based on examples from scripture. Though everyone else hears thunder, you hear with understanding and direction. When you hear with direction that means you are chosen. When you can hear the thunder, you are indeed called, but when you can comprehend with an urgency to move according to what has been heard, you are chosen. But not every chosen person is an obedient person. That’s why when you are chosen, it is important to be obedient less you get stuck in circumstances or relationships that were not intended: the difference between the called, chosen and obedient. Sometimes, the very thing you try to avoid or run from is the very thing that Christ is leading you into in order to bring growth and fulfillment in your purpose. YHWH has a way of taking some pain and making it into a blessing. So, endure. Yahn 12:28-30 “Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. Yahshua answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.” Acts 22:9 “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.” {See Acts 22:6-10; Acts 26:13-16} Compare with Exodus 4:1: “And Moshe answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, YHWH hath not appeared unto thee.” Whenever the Heavenly Father speaks to you, others may hear something different or something particular to whether they are called or chosen according to the same purpose. Bottom-line, not everyone will understand, or hear and understand with the same similitude. You have to be a bold person to come out and speak what you’ve heard in your prayer closet. So, be bold. Likewise, YHWH wants you to come to a place where you are empowered in relationship with Him where you can speak freely and with great intimacy without fear of retribution. Do you have the faith to converse with Elohim? To ask questions! Even to debate? Ponder the power of shared authority in our relationship with Elohim. YHWH must surpass your understanding because man’s understanding is rooted in the soulish realm. What is heavenly cannot be fully comprehended by an earthly nature (i.e., His ways and thoughts are higher than man’s). What is spiritual cannot be comprehended in the soulish realm (i.e., your feelings, emotions and passions). When you take something heavenly and put it on an earthly level, you doubt, and become stuck in the soulish realm. But there is more to man than the flesh and soul but the spirit. The spirit is that which knows! (1 Corinthians 2:10-11) If you want something to be real to someone else, it first has to be real to you. Stop looking for understanding. Rather, obedience will bring understanding among those whom you are joined unto or called to in the Spirit. We must be willing to lose our Jesus Piece and Peace in order to grow to a greater height in our faith and knowing. When YHWH does something that you don’t understand, it’s going to take faith to achieve it! Yet faith is akin to a password (which is the power of belief) and access to a greater blessing. Again, Exodus 4:1 “And Moshe answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, YHWH hath not appeared unto thee.” Anah: to answer, respond, testify, speak out, shout We must translate that burning bush experience into a significant emotional event for another. By faith, we can publicize the unspeakable and communicate the impossible. But if you are concerned with whether others will understand you or agree with you, you will miss out on this opportunity and will be rendered mute and ineffective in your calling and chosen purpose. Psalms 20:6 “Now know I that YHWH saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.” Yasha: to save, to be saved, to be delivered, to be liberated Mashiach: anointed, appointed (Greek equivalent is Christos) Anah: to answer, respond, testify, speak out, shout Yesha: salvation, deliverance, saving strength Recall, Exodus 4:1-2 Compare with Exodus Chapter 3 (in particular see verses 9 and 10). Attah (Hebrew): now, at this time; which is derived from the root of anah (to answer, to respond, to testify, to speak, etc.) When you move on your testimony that is when you change your now! Moshe’s past experiences (even as a shepherd) were instrumental in his ministry and witness. Yet Moshe’s supernatural encounter with YHWH (at the burning bush) led him to believe that he needed something supernatural in order to deliver the people. But the greatest qualification Moshe had were not the signs or wonders but the miracle that he heard YHWH’s voice. Once he heard the voice, however, he then queried whether the people would understand. YHWH will go above your understanding. He will go above your own personal Jesus. So, don’t get stuck there. In ministry, your power is not in whether others will understand the revelation you have received but in you being led and obedient to the Holy Spirit, which will render effectual change. No qualification will be given other than YHWH’s voice. The miracle remains that you heard His voice. Understand that when YHWH calls you he tells you something in private that you must go and tell others. If you get stuck in whether others will receive and understand YHWH’s instruction, you may grow disappointed. Yet, if you remain in obedience you will pass from miracle to miracle and blessing to blessing by which irrevocable and undeniable change will be rendered. #Bishop
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:01:28 +0000

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