From the National Executive to all Canadian Action Party Members. - TopicsExpress


From the National Executive to all Canadian Action Party Members. Feb 18 2014 This is to let you know what is happening in the Canadian Action Party. Over the past year we have had several difficulties to overcome. From 25th January 2013 to 15th November 2013 there were no National Executive meetings in spite of the fact that we needed to get our declarations of membership in to Elections Canada by the end of January 2014 in order to retain our Official Federal Party Status. In November of 2013 concerned members got together and formed a new national executive with the sole purpose at that time of ensuring that we retained our official federal party status; this we did and we have been meeting via the phone and internet every week since November of last year. We have had shuffles in the executive as we try to fill in any voids that occur due to lack of conviction or failure to perform. We can assure you that we now have solid individuals supporting the membership and CAP’s constitution. We are working now on your behalf. Our web site domain was allowed to expire through lack of payment prior to the new executive getting together and is now owned by parties unknown, and we do not have the funds to purchase it even if we knew who owned it. We have therefore created a new official website We encourage you to visit and make comments on how we can improve it, and what you would like to see therein. Our policies have been added to and taken away from by various leaders over the last 2/3 years without membership approval at a national convention, so we are rebooting to 2008, when the last convention was held. We are currently awaiting the electronic version of these policies from Connie Fogel so we can upload them to the new site, and in due course we can update them with membership approval either at the next convention or through electronic vote approval of you the party members, to be confirmed at our next convention. On this subject let me say that we will have positions on current political shenanigans, but they will not be official policies until you the members make them so. Our next aim is to get more Electoral District associations than the three that currently exist, and to this end we need you members to actually get involved to form them and find candidates or step forward yourselves. We also need more members for the national executive. There are several positions we would really like to fill such as a French language specialist and a First Nations representative A word at this point about what you can find on line about our party. There are sites which can be seen by googling our name, and at least one of them (a blog site actually along with a Facebook page) is extremely unfriendly to both the party and the current national executive. You may have recently received an email from this author .He now has an illegal (not officially sanctioned by CAP although our name is used) face book page called Canadian Action Party ( uncensored ) This person is intelligent and supports our pillars but is constantly attacking members in very crude ways . He makes up his own theories and attacks people with them. We have lost many good people as potential members because of him. His name is Lawrence McCurry from Toronto. It is thought that one of his ongoing projects is to get enough of his friends together and overthrow the present party executive effectively taking over the party. Please keep in mind if you visit this site that the author claims to be not only a member but also an “old party lion”, when in fact no one can find where and when he ever paid any membership dues to the party, and he is definitely not a current member. His claim that the current executive is socialist and communist and wishes to highjack the party to obtain power is actually absurd and some of his claims in writing verge on the libelous. Have fun reading them if you wish, but please realise he is attacking this executive not the party and ask questions of us if you need any clarification. On the contrary we want the membership to control the party through us rather than we have all the “power”. We are here to ‘revive’ the party and have candidates in the next election, and we are all willing to be replaced at the next convention should you, the membership, feel that is necessary. On the subject of a convention it is actually not an immediate need but rather a future event we have no intention of avoiding. But the priority right now is to be as ready as we can for 2015. This is a call to arms to take part in the dumping of Harper and returning Canada to some semblance of democracy, and it cannot be done without the help and support of you, the members of the Canadian Action Party. We encourage you to look at the possibility that you can help by joining the executive in a vacant chair position or by helping to form and sit on a committee several of which we need in order to progress and once again become a fully functioning national Canadian Action Party. Respectfully, Jeremy Arney President Your current national executive: Logan Anderson , Robert Aldred, Jeremy Arney, Mark Vilcu, Neville O’Grady, Jeff Sakula, Peter Yachnin, Linda Pestes action-party A Party committed to the people of Canada. Canadian Action is a pro-democracy party. Maintaining Sovereignty is the purpose of the Action Party.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 21:31:51 +0000

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