From the Sanyasi Yogi Blog: The American Council on Exercise - TopicsExpress


From the Sanyasi Yogi Blog: The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently released the results on a study titled “Hot Yoga: Go Ahead and Turn Up the Heat.” You can read the full article here: They measured heart rate and core temperatures between yogis taking normal yoga and yogis taking hot yoga. Researchers found that there was a very marginal difference (56% in regular conditions vs. 57% in hot yoga) in heart rate, and core temperature levels from Hot yogis averaged around 99.3 degrees and the highest reading was 102 degrees -- well below the bottom of the “critical zone” (104 degrees, in which heat-related problems and fatigue begin). The hot yogis perspired a lot more and the normal yogis barely broke a sweat. On paper, both types of yoga measured are considered “light exercise” and very safe, as long as you drink plenty of water. This will keep you hydrated and proper hydration aids your body in keeping core temperature low. Now that we know it’s totally safe, let’s look at some of the benefits hot yoga can bring: - The heat warms the muscles, allowing you to stretch further into your poses -- increasing range of motion and flexibility. - Builds strength and muscle tone, and strengthens your core. - Builds self-discipline: How many times have you been 30 minutes into your Hot class and just wanted to grab everything and run towards the door? But sticking with it and never giving up makes you feel so much better about yourself afterwards. - The heat is said to boost the immune system and increase T-cell production (fights viruses and bacteria). - You sweat. A LOT. Some yogic texts suggest cleansing the skin once a day by sweating for thirty minutes at least. Sweating is said to have a positive impact on weight loss and stress reduction. So there it is Yogis - grab some water & a towel & head to your Hot Yoga class & enjoy the sweat! Matrix Yoga offers Hot Yoga classes from September through early June. In summer we enjoy the heat of the Okanagan with outdoor classes. XT
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:48:14 +0000

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