From the keyboard of Steve Russo: Commander-in-Doctrination.... - TopicsExpress


From the keyboard of Steve Russo: Commander-in-Doctrination.... Obama White House Tweet Promotes #Ferguson Indoctrination By Leftist Columbia Professor That Includes Classroom Memorials to The Gentle Giant and Criminal Michael Brown Before we start.. Behold, A young Al Sharpton Junior attacks White students on behalf of Michael Brown for no apparent reason. All that hes missing is a velvet tracksuit. Recorded at Vanguard High School in Ocala, Florida... liveleak/view?i=f17_1417141608 Using force to get this guy under control would be racist, and could even lead to rioting and worse yet the disapproval of the folks running the media. We might as well just forget about things like school. We should tear off our clothes and climb around in trees shouting, “What’s up bro?” How liberating it would be! This behavior is common because it is tolerated if not venerated by the liberal ruling class. Otherwise there would be consequences for it. Political correctness, a.k.a. the soft bigotry of low expectations, is reducing human beings to animals. Which then leads us to the main story.... 5 Ways to Teach About Michael Brown & Ferguson In Schools.. https://twitter/AfAmEducation/status/538433447945961473 Because there isnt any other problems facing this nation right now.... The White House sent out a tweet encouraging educators to work from a Huffington Post piece titled “5 Ways to Teach About Michael Brown and Ferguson in the New School Year.” huffingtonpost/…/5-ways-to-teach-about-micha… Proving yet again, how the press works hand in hand as Obamas propagandist, promoting whatever the Obama administration wants to be a talking point for them. Excluding important things like the Obamacare/ Gruber/ White House lie, or the failed stimulus bailouts, the failed green bankruptcies using tax payers dollars, Benghazi, or the IRS, Fast and Furious, AP Spying scandals or a host of other Obama disasters that his trained sheep in the media ignore because they expose the failure that Obama is and the The White House will punish those who report the truth about them.. The article was written by Dr. Christopher Emdin, Ph. D. and Emdin was honored this year by the Obama administration as a ‘Champion of Change’ so it is natural the White House would promote his effort to indoctrinate students in the leftwing mythology of Michael Brown. Shocker! Emdin’s bio page at the Huffington Post reads in part: “(Dr. Emdin) is a Professor at Columbia University Teachers College and is the Director of Secondary School Initiatives at the Urban Science Education Center in New York. He holds a Ph.D. in Urban Education.” Emdin encourages teachers to engage their students in discussing the Brown case, which is fine as in point one where he suggests teachers first find out what their students know about the case. But he crosses the line to indoctrination. For example his point four where he urges, students make a classroom memorial to “honor Michael Brown” and “create a counter-narrative to negative stories and images about Ferguson and Michael Brown”: thegatewaypundit/…/obama-wh-to-promote-ferg…/ Clicking on #FergusonSyllabus shows teachers are using the Brown case for indoctrination. https://twitter/search?q=%23FergusonSyllabus&src=tyah Pretty much this sums what the young minds of mush are being taught from this Obama radical... 1.) How to turn Swisher Sweets into blunts in 5 easy steps. 2.) Molotov Cocktails aren’t just for dinner anymore 3.) How to avoid a surveillance camera 4.) Getting your free sh&t the easy way 5.) Stealing free sh&t from those who earned it 6.) Cops are racist 7.) Cops hate people of color 8.) Every person of color is still a slave to white America 9.) And white America wants to keep you down with white privilege 10.) Government is always here to take care of you, but if you have to commit crime... its understandable Like this real life Vampire... Heres an Interview with a woman who has been on welfare for 12 years, lives in government subsidized housing with her 4 kids and believes shes entitled to it because shes black! Sickening what this race baiting- dividing- corrupt administration is up to at any given moment! But heres a list that should be taught to these kids, that are valuable lessons that could keep them alive and are the complete opposite of what they could ever learn from this administration or the radicals its involved with. Now... Here Are The Real Lessons to Be Learned From the Michael Brown Shooting In Ferguson.... 1. Cops Carry guns 2. Most cops know how to shoot them 3. Do not charge the cops like a football player when they tell you to stop or they will shoot you 4. Don’t steal 5. Obey the police when they tell you to do something 6. A generalized attitude where you have a chip on your shoulder will lead to problems. Sometimes fatal problems. 7. Don’t try to take away a cop’s gun. 8. Dont punch a cop in the face... especially 10 times 9. Nobody owes you anything in life, especially tax payers 10. Work hard at any job youre given, stay in school, dont have kids until youre married and can afford them and stay out of trouble. And... The lesson of course being welfare dependancy and the destruction of the family is a tragic and fatal failure.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:55:22 +0000

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