From the page Uganda Gay On Move The Kill the Gays bill - TopicsExpress


From the page Uganda Gay On Move The Kill the Gays bill has Passed in Uganda .There are about two million Reported Gay Men and women in Uganda.This Law is to IN in prison them and kill them one by one. Anyone caught or reported gay will be put in prison for life or killed. Anyone who Harbors a gay will be given 14 years in prison . Anyone who helps a gay will receive 3 years in prison. Anyone who talks to a gays will be given One year in prison. You can be thrown in Prison just off someones word. People in Uganda are rejoicing in the passing of the law as they dance in the streets. Many Say as Christians they are looking to kill them to help there government and say it with Joy and Happiness. Many have been beating in the street already.some killed. I have had many all morning long who want to kill themselves and end there life. I have been up all morning consoling these people as tears rub down my face.. As Christians are we suppose to hurt each other are love each other. Jesus Christ who repents the light of the world.How can we bring people Christ when we have hate in our hearts. How can we shine light into darkness when we have hate. I ask that all payers be with these people as Rwanda does not repeat it self all over again. Seriously O.o ?/?/?/?/?
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 03:48:45 +0000

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