** Fruits and virtues of a loving God ** For the love of God in - TopicsExpress


** Fruits and virtues of a loving God ** For the love of God in the fruits of a good Rak derived from their Lord in this world and in the hereafter , including : 1) the love of God says: About ban may Allah be pleased with him , said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , says: God, the Almighty said : The obligatory love in the loving and Almottagalcin in Almetzaorén and in and Almtbazlin ( Malik and other Tell ) King and say to the man who visits his brother in God : I am the messenger of Allah to you that God loves you as I loved it 2) God love that they love their full potential for the owner: Abu Darda bump may Allah be pleased with him , said: What the two men Thaba in God, but God was Ohabhma to the most intense love for his neighbor ( al ) 3) the dignity of God : About Umama may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: There is no slave beloved servant of God, but God Almighty honored ( Ahmad , a good connection Told ) Honor God and includes honoring his faith and useful knowledge and good deeds , and other forms of Graces 4) in the shade under the throne Rahman : Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: God Almighty , says the Day of Resurrection : Where are fond Today Ozlhm in my shadow on , not only my shadow (of Muslim) , the Shaykh al -Islam Ibn Taymiyyah Divine Mercy in total fatwas : the words Where Rak majesty of God ? To raise awareness of what is in their hearts the fear of God and the worship of mutual love with him, and so do not remember the limits without limits that do not adhere to the weakness of faith in their hearts And also from Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Allah will shade 7 days no shade but His : Adel Imam , and the young man grew up in the worship of God , and man His heart was in mosques, and two men in Thaba God met him and spread it ... ( Agreed ) 5) found that the taste of faith : He (as) : I like the taste of faith Fleihb loved not only God (as told by the ruling and said: It is true, attribution and not Ikhrajat and approved by Golden ) find 6) found the sweetness of faith : Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: He who would find the sweetness of faith , a Fleihb not like him, but God ( Ahmad and classed ruling and golden ) And Anas may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Be of which three are found, the sweetness of faith : that Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him than anything else , and that no one likes, but he loves God and hates that a return disbelief after God saved him , because, and hates to be thrown into the fire ( Agreed ) Shaykh al -Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in the total fatwas the mercy of God : Say to the Prophet , peace be upon him , that three of them were found in the , the sweetness of faith , because he found some sweetness followed his love is its love or something Ahkaam if it his way , he finds the sweetness and pleasure and pleasure is pleasure and so immediately upon receipt of the corresponding perception, the beloved or Almsthy is ... Vhlaoh faith , traces Kamal Love servants of God and that three things: love this supplement and Tafraaha and press against it Vtkamilha to be , God and His Messenger are dearer to him than anything else , the love of God and his prophet to be not only the origin of love, but it must be God and His Messenger , he is better than anything else And Tafraaha No one likes to be liked , but God And push against thrown hatred of the faith of the greatest dislike in the fire. 7) the completion of the faith: About Umama may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: God of Love , and the most hateful to God , and was God , and the avoidance of God has completed the faith ( Abu Dawood Hassan deposit tells ) 8) in the sky : Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him , said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Do not Give Paradise until you believe and do not believe until you love one another , first Shall I show something if you do not Tahabpettm Spread peace among you (from Muslim) 9) close to God, and their advice on the Day of Resurrection : Abu Malik al- Ashari said: I was at the Prophet , peace be upon him came in this verse : O ye who believe , no questions about things you Tsakm showed (Table 101 ) said: We ask him when he said : 3 the God followers are not prophets and not martyrs , the martyrs and the prophets Agbthm proximity and its seat of God on the Day of Resurrection , he said, and in reference to the BeduinenvolksFjtha to his knees and threw up his hands , and then we said: O Messenger of God for them, she said : I looked into the face of the Prophet peace Gods blessings and peace of the people, said the Prophet, peace be upon him: You were sunflower of worshipers from different countries, and the tribes of various tribal peoples not among them Leiber they communicate , and not Itbazlon they Minimum , love or the Spirit God makes God their faces Nora and makes them pulpits of pearls before men, and no shock , and people are afraid and do not be afraid ( Ahmad and classed ruling and golden ) 10) and Nora is faced with the Day of Resurrection : From the earlier discussion in the words : God makes their faces light up 11) their pulpits of pearls : The same discussion in the former saying, it makes pulpits of pearls before men 12) their pulpits of light: And in the hadeeth of Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: The God followers are no prophets and no martyr Agbthm martyrs and prophets Doomsday for their closeness to God and their counsel about it, Fjtha Bedouins on the knees and said : ? O Messenger of God described by us and usually we said, some of the people cannulation tribal conflict , Tsadegoa in God and love one another in him shall God Almighty them doomsday pulpits of light , people are scared and have no fear , they are the guardians of Allah (God) is the gel not afraid of them and they do not grieve (directed by the Governor and classified golden ) 13) Agbthm Prophets and Martyrs Day of Resurrection : From modern ex : Modern and Ibn Umar Ashari , God bless them say peace be upon him : Agbthm martyrs and doomsday prophets to their closeness to God and their advice is . 14) designated guardian of God : From an interview with the son of Omar former saying peace be upon him : You are the guardians of God Almighty 15) the absence of fear and sadness about it the day of judgment : From modern ex : Modern and Ibn Umar Ashari , God bless them , Do not be afraid, and they do not grieve , and says, and no shock , and people are afraid and do not be afraid 16) that you can not be done love and good people to Slaham and their integrity and their progress to their rank , and if very Mpelghm : Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him , said: A man came to the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him said: O Messenger of Allah, how one says to a man loves not catch up with them a man? He said : One the one I love ( Asahahan ) And also in the right Anas may Allah be pleased with him , that a man asked the Prophet , peace be upon him when his time? He said, What have I prepared for them ? He said what I prepared her many prayers and not fast and not a handout , but I love Allah and His Messenger , he said: You are the beloved , says Anas : So, what joy a little joy blessings of God be upon him : you are the beloved I just love the Prophet, peace be upon him , and Abu Bakr and Umar , and I hope to be my love with them and if I did not make such transactions ( Tabarani in small ) No man loves a people but crammed with them, And brought Ali may Allah be pleased with him Select for love and companionship Quraafi said: What Everyone deserves to be socialized and not unaccompanied and Asarr And Alqamah said of this type accompanied Zhang, and that the injury from dirt Aank and when I click on your item, and if you promise well, and it seemed you got hold of bridges , and I asked him , it was , and if I your Job and Isaac Bashevis and Odnahm felt no Alboaúq takes you , and you are no different than the methods And Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ata : babysitting antibody melt the soul and babysitting forms vaccination heads , and not everyone Babysitting is fit fit for socializing, and not all of the fit of sociability believe in secrets and do not believe in secrets, but only the Board of Trustees And enough into the legality of investigative friends say , Peace be to select him: The religion of a mistress , so you can be you as a friend ( Abu Dawud and others tell ) Awzaai said: Sidekick Kalriqah the owner of the dress if you do not like him HANTH Was Ibn fishmonger said: ? Each fraternity deserves hold the affection Said: plenty of religion , Wafi his opinion , did not have the close , and do not forget the dimension that dnot him Danak and that it lags Raak , and the Asteddth EDDK , and when you need it Rphik and enough love , affection more than say, do, And some scholars have said : a man some of it to Vinfk religion or man is something learned in religion overpowering you learn , and the third Vaherb him not accompany not only one of the two men Ali , may Allah be pleased with him : Violating the brother of honesty from yourself , you will benefit f *** you And if you doubt the time of SDEK *** yourself distracted Ijmek And said that some writers : assist people not only stifles SRC and Leicester your fault, so that you published in the episodes and Iwtherk Balrgaúb and hassantk and folding your car find it not only accompany themselves And scientists , those who influence his company and his love for five features , said: To be of sound mind , good attitude, not punk , and not an innovator and is not interested on the minimum 1) The reason : It is the capital and the asset is not the best in the company of an asshole Ali , may Allah be pleased with him : Ignorance is not accompanied by a brother f *** him and guard How many ignorant *** meek shot dead while his brother Measured a Palmra *** if you Mashah And the thing *** on the matter standards and semiconductors And the heart of the heart when it receives evidence *** Sapiens and understands things as they are , either in person , and if you understand either , 2) The good manners : not a must , as Lord sane recognizes things for what it is , but if you drop out the anger or lust or stingy or cheese obeyed whim , and violated what is known to him , to his inability its attributes to conquer , and calendar morality, there is no good in his company Abu Hatim said Ibn Hibbaan mercy of God be wise to know that it is not pleasing , what changes the company of the Muslim Brotherhood, and not change the missing gg , then Atouky its distortions Safah , and not referred voyager as a corrupted , and the best of the Brotherhood if size sanction and is not nothing wrong with his brother on the list , it is his partner in nature, but covered , and Antekb Mhacdh Brotherhood , because the envy of a friend of disease affection, and the generosity of giving the greatest affection, because they do not appear Wad true heart morbidly 3) The Lecher : There is no point in his company , it is not fear God and do not believe Gaúlth not documented his friendship , but the symptoms varies He says: And do not obey , we have left out of the heart and follow the specified requirements (Cave 28) And he says, Gods blessing , which turned away and took all mentioned, but do not want this life (Star 29) and the He: I do not know , but one faithful guide and do not eat the food, but pious ( al- Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud Narrated ) Said Abu Hatem Divine Mercy in Kindergarten as , Sapiens not accompanied by the bad guys , because the company of the owner of a piece of bad fire, pursue grudges, affection is not right , and not to fulfill his promise , and that the happiness of ones four virtues : to be his wifes consent , Abrar and his son , and his brothers well, and live in his country Gillies and everyone better not to use it , better than sitting dog considerate, and accompanied by the owner. the poor do not deliver because it can not reproach bad in the inputs Some of them said : Apple Ahahm men , if you want to lose f *** Tosmon guardians, If Zfr banished to the Secretariat and met *** from whom he received the report hands -equipped Vashidd 4) As creator : Add accompanied by the risk of transmission of innovations and hurt him Hamha , Valambtda due to the abandonment of the province and how it will affect his business 5) The world is keen on : Vsahpth deadly poison because the foul bred to imitate and emulate , but steals the copyright of the copyright owner does not know where , interested, to ensure Vmajalsh because minimal movement , and babysitting Zahid be ascetic in the world so that the world hates the company of students, and mustahabb the company , the afterlife Different people , if you Zguethm *** not enjoyed equally the same, not on trees This has a sweet fruit Mmagueth *** and has no taste and no fruit Signs of love in God 1) it does not increase nor decrease the Paljfa mainland : Sign of the love of God which does not increase in nor reduce Paljfa mainland , said Yahya al - Razi son Maaz : I love the fact that they do not exceed the mainland and not distract Paljfa 2) Approval: And the signs of Gods love in the approval , some of them said : Say no to something that I did not say f *** , yes, something that I said yes 3) Do not be envious of his brother : And signs of this unenviable loving brother in religion and no minimum And can say Almtahabin to describe God, and not to be found in the chest, the need for and impact on themselves, and if their services were ( Hashr 9) 4 ), which he loves for his brother what he loves for himself : And signs that he loves for his brother what he loves for himself, he said , the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself ( Narrated by sheikhs ) 5) the standard Loving Obedience: It marks the increased when he sees his brother in obedience to God , and decreases when he saw , to obey God , the Almighty The human brotherhood and love and companionship requirements Every Muslim to his brother Muslim rights , and these rights are encouraged to keep Islam , and was every Muslim to this contract sanctity is not for one to be hurt is permitted , and has a number of these rights , and an explanation of the inviolability brought the words of the Prophet , peace be upon him , it is so saying, peace be upon him : the law of the Muslim six : If you have received , and greeted him , and if invited Vojbh , and if Astansg advise him and when he sneezes and praised God Vhmth satisfactory if Fdh , and when he dies Vatbah ( Agreed it) In a statement, the sanctity of Muslim, and what is not allowed , a Muslim with other Muslims say Peace to fall for him, Beware , and probably the most likely to have spoken lies , and not Thssoa and not spy and do not compete , and not Thasdoa and no Tbagadwa and be worshipers of God brothers , Muslim brother Muslim, not suppress and know him and not Ahakrh , piety here in the lurch ... and refers to the chest , reduce his Muslim brother to a man of evil , each Muslim is forbidden for a Muslim : his blood and his money and display ( Narrated by sheikhs ) The agreement between the two brothers association of marriage as a contract between the couple, and the consequences of this decade of human capital and the body and the heart and tongue , and compliance with these rights last for affection and intimacy , and enters the contractor in the clique Almtahabin in God, and undercutting of wages and wage What Osilvnah 1) The rights of the brothers in the output: - It is the right for the money to his attention that it is soft Grima , he says: And if a ten A look at the soft ( The Cow 280) , and said: Peace be upon him : It pleased God is pleased pinching it in this world and in the hereafter ( Muslim and others ) - And of the rights of brotherhood sympathy with money, and is also said scientists at three locations : 1) that the lowest of their needs by the grace of the owner, if he need to , and you had favored , was no Thuge from calling into question the Ahojtah to the question , it is very right in default brothers 2) The second : be to inflict the status of himself, and met with his participation in Eyak owner Hassan said : One of them was garment slid between him and his brother , and a man came to Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him and said, I will in God Oakhik , he said: Do you know what the legal fraternity ? He said that he took me , he said, would not deserve Bidinark and Darhamk be me, he said , not the status information after that , he said, I go Said Ali Bin Al Hussein of the man : Have any of you are his hand in the sleeve or bag of his brother, and he takes what he wants without his permission ? He said : No, he did not say Ikhwan 3) The third and is supreme, that Tatherh on themselves, and have to provide your needs , and the rank of the righteous , and the ultimate measure of love Ibn Umar was a man from among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the head of a sheep , he said: So my brother urgently need me to him, so he sent it to him , so Fbosh person to person, and he sent him one to another, until he returns to the first after he traded seven This was higher than altruism court nobility companions place , God bless them Hamid said: I heard the ANSA may Allah be pleased with him , said: When the city fell to immigrant supporters , Abdul Rahman rose m on a son Saad spring , he said: Okasemk Mali, and revealed to you about one of my wife , he said : God bless you in your family and owner , including the impact is through its effect , and how it then its effect by And can praise God , the Almighty , says: and influence on themselves, and if their merit (9 Hashr Said Abu Suleiman Aldarani : I had a brother in Iraq , I thought Ojaih in episodes , I say : Give me some of the owners , was poured to loot he took from it what I want, Fjith one day I said I need something , he said, How many would you like? Akhaúh sweetness went out of my heart and another said: If I asked your brother money , he said: What you have with him has the right to leave the Brotherhood to do . These mattresses consolation money , not to approve the ranking of these levels with your brother yourself know that the brothers did not , having instead to hold in the subconscious , and the two of you , but this is not an official contact with them occurred in the spirit and religion, said m Mehran Memon : It pleased the Brotherhood leave benefits , the people in the graves Vlaaakh 2 ) the rights of the brothers in the body : And to the elimination of the self- support needs and they do face the question and submitted to the special needs , and this is also their qualities Kalmwasah money 1) to do the lowest of the need when the question and the ability to work with a friendly face and show the joy and good tidings , and favor accept: The Prophet , peace be upon him : It is the same for the plight of believers fear minimum the same God over the fate of the torment of the Day of Resurrection , and is happy to pinch us , God in the world and the Hereafter, and of Lester granted jacket God in this world and the Hereafter, and Allah al - Aoun in what was the slave helps his brother Hasan al - Basri sent a group of his companions in the district have the brother to them, and said that they were a constant Banani Fajdhuh with you, they constant one over, he said: I withdraw , they returned to Hassan told him , he said to them : Tell him not tarnish know that your efforts need to be better for you than your brothers argument after an argument , they returned to steady told him to retreat to the left and went with them 2) Class II: the need, as your brother must be : Some of the progress checks his brother Eyal 40 years after his death , is their need , and visited them every day and Amonhm of his money , her father was not to lose, but the same 3) the need to establish your brother on your needs , and take the initiative to delay his judgments, and when your need Shubrumah son spent part of his brothers is a great need , came as a gift , he said: What is it? Said: If Osudaith to me , he said: Take owner Aavac God, if I asked your brother do not have to make an effort in its courts , to pray and it Wudu four major enlargements , and several of the dead And Hasan used to say, our brothers loved by our parents and our children because our parents remind us of this world, and remember our brothers from the other world , and enters the right Muslim Muslim Alyokhih visit him in Gods attribution gel said the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him : Do not say Bergalkm the people of Paradise prophet in paradise, and the martyrs in Paradise, and paradise friend , and a man visiting his brother in his hand in the Egyptian paradise? And to visit photos of the Rising in God Almighty , and what should it be about ethics and morality , which was between Abu Obeid al -Qasim ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal peace and mercy of God , Abu Obeid said: I visited Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his home Vojseny in his house , and sat Donny , I said: O Abu Abdullah said Alice : homeowners deserve his home with open arms said: Yes, sit and wants to sit , he said : I said unto me, Take thee , O Abu Obeid interest , he said: Then I said to him, O Abu Abdullah , if you somehow deserve ATIC , Otik every day, he said, not less , when my brothers not only shed once a year , I m closer Bmodthm , who threw every day, I said, thats another Abba Obeid , if he wanted to do with me , and I said : O Abu Abdullah not do, he said, the people said : From fully visitors visit him at the door the house go and take Barakabh said: O Abu Obeid I said it a third , he said, went with me to the door of the house and take Brkapa And from these images bright to the predecessor for each other and their enjoyment in this meeting the demand for more faith and love in God , the Almighty , what Narrated by al -Khatib al - Baghdadi in the history of the debate to visit he said: I am informed that some of the companions of Muhammad bin Ghaleb Abu Jafar reciter came in on the solution and clay, said to him : If I thank these two men to Nabta , on this day of Tkspain reward then he himself Fastsagy him water and wash his feet ? 3 ) the rights of the brothers in the tongue : And sometimes the silence debate and other 1) silence Almkarh : 1 - does not mention the disadvantages : It is the right of brother against brother , not to mention the disadvantages mentioned in his absence and his presence hold , but it is the disadvantages mentioned and prohibited equal ignored in his absence from calumny , and it is forbidden in the right of every Muslim and Azgerk him two things next to the imposed Shara One: that reading in the conditions of himself that found the blameworthy one thing , VHON yourself what you see from your brother , and as much as he is incapable of to conquer in that feature, as you are unable to conquer in that feature, as you are not in a position to which you are tormented , and are the second thing : you know that if you asked the defect free originally accompanied by all the others for the whole creation back , and did not find it He also said Thubiani genius :
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 09:27:08 +0000

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