Fun fact: Japan never actually attacked us during World War II! - TopicsExpress


Fun fact: Japan never actually attacked us during World War II! Really! No, this isnt some new conspiracy theory. Its an exercise in clarity of thinking, by way of clarity in language. Here are a couple reasons why the seemingly outrageous statement above is obviously and completely true: 1) The word us is a first-person, plural pronoun which refers to the speaker in addition to others. Because I typed the word, it would refer to me, in addition to some other people. And since I wasnt born until long after World War II, it is impossible for anyone to have attacked us then. 2) Japan is a place. Places cant attack other places. Neither Japan the country, nor the Japanese people as a whole, did anything. Certain Japanese individuals, acting at the behest of the ruling class of Japan, flew planes and dropped bombs in Pearl Harbor. 3) Lastly, saying that the United States was attacked on that day is only slightly less weird than saying New Jersey was robbed! every time someone holds up a convenience store in Camden. This may just seem like semantic nit-picking, but it isnt. Saying things like the Japs attacked us is precisely the sort of mushy-headed pack mentality that serves the agendas of ruling classes at the expense of innocent people. An all-too-real example of what such thinking leads to can be seen in the two worst individual acts of terrorism in the history of the world: the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But if they attacked us, then its only fair that we hurt them back, right? Tyrants love it when their human livestock engage in such sloppy, emotional, unprincipled thinking. The same muddled-headed group think can be seen today when people talk about Israel doing this or that, and the Palestinians doing something else. The STATE of Israel--not the people or the place--has murdered many innocent Palestinians, in response to certain Palestinian INDIVIDUALS doing similar things in the other direction, and vice versa. And most people on both sides, instead of thinking in terms of AGGRESSORS and INNOCENTS (which is what actually matters) think in terms of RACES and NATIONALITIES--artificial divisions which always include aggressors AND innocents on both sides. As a result, pack-mentality dupes cheer for actions which kill innocents, and claim that it is justified because the OTHER side has committed actions which have killed innocents. Its sad how few people notice the glaring, profound hypocrisy in this. Morality 101: If someone punches you in the face, you have the right to defend yourself against HIM, but you dont have the right to blow up the apartment building he lives in, or the block he lives on, or the town he lives in, or the country he lives in, or the planet he lives on. You have the right to use force against an individual aggressor to protect yourself, but you dont automatically have the right to use force against his landlord, or his first cousin, or his next door neighbor, or someone who was in the third grade with him, or someone who attends the same church that he does. INDIVIDUALS are responsible for their actions. Entire races, religions, nationalities, or any other demographic categories are not responsible for what any individuals choose to do. To those blinded by emotional rage, let me make it as specific and clear as I can: killing Palestinians for what OTHER Palestinians did, or killing Israelis for what OTHER Israelis did, is both evil and idiotic. The reason the Middle East is pretty much doomed is because of pack-mentality morons on BOTH sides who believe that collateral damage is acceptable because the OTHER side has done nasty things. In other words, some Israelis and some Palestinians believe that if the OTHER side kills innocents in the name of some greater cause, then killing some of THEIR innocents in the name of a DIFFERENT greater cause is justified. Until that profoundly idiotic and immoral mentality ends--until people can escape their anti-human, pack-mentality nationalism--we will see perpetual war. If you still think that the us versus them that matters has anything to do with countries, races or religions, you are exactly the type of dupe that war-mongering tyrants feed off of. When you recognize that the only us versus them that matters is [people who commit aggression] and [people who dont], then, and only then, will you be on the side of peace and justice. - Larken Rose.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:53:02 +0000

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