Funeral: Expressing solidarity with Pakistan, people in Kashmir - TopicsExpress


Funeral: Expressing solidarity with Pakistan, people in Kashmir Valley Wednesday mourned the killing of at-least 141 students and teachers by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Taliban terrorists in Peshawar. In the act of solidarity, the people offered funeral prayers in absentia for the innocents killed in the senseless act. Reports reaching GNS said that chairman of his faction of Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Geelani led the prayers at Jamia Masjid Hyderpora. The prayers were attended by thousands of people. Addressing the mourners, Geelani condemned the “barbaric and cowardly act” and said that it was against humanity. “Such kind of insanity and savagery should be stopped. The killings in the name of Islam or Jihad can never be justified. We stand with the people of Pakistan.” He said people share grief of those families who lost their lives in the heart wrenching incident. “Our hearts go out to the grief- stricken families of the innocent children killed.” Similarly, chairman of parallel Hurriyat faction, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq led thousands of people at Jamia Masjid Nowhatta here. Addressing the gathering before leading the funeral prayers in absentia for the martyred children, Mirwaiz expressed his solidarity and sympathy with the families who lost their dear ones to the terrorist attack. Terming the attack on innocent children in Peshawar as an act of cowardice, Mirwaiz said there was no room for terrorism in Islam. He said Peshawar terrorist attackers have no place in Islam and those savages who committed this crime cannot call themselves Muslims. Mirwaiz, who is also the chief cleric of Kashmir, said that the killing of innocent children was the worst form of terrorism. “There can be no justification for this gruesome crime.” He said Kashmiris are sharing the grief and pain of Pakistanis in these difficult times. “There is no one better that Kashmiris who can understand the pain of death and losing near and dear ones since we have been bearing this pain for the last 25 years.” Reports of similar prayers were received from Dargah Hazratbal, Batmaloo, Barzulla and other adjoining areas of this summer capital of the state. Member of Kashmir High Court Bar Association also held prayers in the premises of the high court and stayed away from the work as a mark of solidarity with the victim families as well as people of Pakistan. Besides, reports said, the prayers were held in almost all district headquarters in the Kashmir Valley. (GNS)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:35:29 +0000

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