***G0D IS INCHARGE*** Hellow! My facebook Palz! Its with - TopicsExpress


***G0D IS INCHARGE*** Hellow! My facebook Palz! Its with Jesus joy n love in my heart that i welcomed u into another time of spiritual Re-juvenation, Restoration n Revival in his presence! The present of his Excellency, The root and Off-Spring of David, The GREAT I AM GOD, The ROD of moses, The APRON of paul, The SHADOW of peter, The BRIGHT and MORNING STAR, The RE-BUILDER of the broken walls of jerusalem, at his presence the mountains skip like a Lamb. A very present help in terms of trouble therefore shall we not be afraid!! if God be 4 us who can be against us? No Body!!! I JUST WANT TO ENCOURAGE U MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS! THAT GOD IS INCHARGE!!! Mt.6:25 says Therefore i tell u, do not be anxious about ur life, wht u shall eat or wht u shall drink, nor about ur body wht u shal put on. Is nt life more than food, n d body more than clothing? Beloveth! Never make a decision based on fear. Dont worry about anythin instead pray about everything. Pls! Tel God abt ur needs bt, dnt 4get 2 thank him 4 his assists! Mat.6:27 says And which of u by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? BELOVETH! DO I REMIND U THAT ALL UR WORRIES OF PREVIOUS YEARS ONLY RAISED UR BLOOD PRESSURE N NEARLY CAUSED U STROKE. WORRY IS FAITH IN THE NEGATIVE, TRUST IN THE UNPLEASANT, ASSURANCE OF DISASTER N DECEIT IN D FAITH LISTENER! THAT GOD COULD LEAVE ALL HE CREATED INCLUDING THE PLANET, THE GALAXES N THEIR GLAMOUR N THEIR RADIATING AMBIENCE! JUST 2 BE THINKING OF U IS ENOUGH TO KEEP U GOING. BELOVETH! URE NOT AN ACCIDENT! GOD IS TOTALLY INCHARGE, SATAN MAY BE IN THE FIRE RAGGING AGAINST YOU BUT, GOD CONTROLS THE THERMOSTAT. ALLELUIA!!! THE DEVIL MIGHT BE MIGHTY BUT, I REMIND U THAT GOD IS ALMIGHTY!!! FAITH IS THE MORE POWERFUL FORCE DAT CREATES POSITIVE CIRCUMTANCES. TO EVERY GOLIATH THERE IS AN UNCOVERED HEAD, TO EVERY PHAROAH THERE IS A RED SEA. BELOVETH! DoNT EVER FIND URSELF GIVEN SOMETHING A BENEFIT OF DOUBT, DOUBT HAS NO BENEFIT. LET ME REMIND U THAT THE LORD HAS JUST OPENED A NEW ACCOUNT FOR U AT THE UNIVERSAL BANK OF BLESSINGS, HE MADE A HUGE DEPOSIT!! OH YES! 365 DAYS OF FAVOUR AND PROTECTION, HE CREDITED U WITH SUCCESS, LOVE N GOOD HEALTH! PLS!! FEEL FREE TO WITHDRAW ANYTIME AND AT ANY DAY! HOWEVER, REMEMBER TO INDORSE YOUR NAME, THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TWO TIMES ON THE CHEQUE LEAF, KEEP YOUR DREAMS ALIVE! GOD IS INCHARGE!!! From your brother #ANORUE_O_WISDOM I PRAY THAT THE LORD SHOULD CONTINUE TO GUIDE N PROTECT U AND UR FAMILIES IN JESUS NAME. AMEN!!!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:30:24 +0000

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