GARDA SIOCHANA OPERATING AS PRIVATE COMPANIES? Following on from a previous post ... What if I told you Enda Kenny pays NO income tax...? here: https://facebook/notes/paul-madden/what-if-i-told-you-enda-kenny-pays-no-income-tax-/10152661099067839 As we have witnessed in Rossport and in Dublin, Gardai seem to be operating with very clear priorty for the protection of private corporate interest over public safety. The perception is that the Gardai are operating as a private security firm(s) hired out to private business. Dun& Bradstreet is a public company headquartered in New Jersey, USA that licenses information on businesses and corporations for use in credit decisions, business-to-business marketing and supply chain management. The company maintains information on morethan 205 million companies worldwide. The Companies Registration Office is the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. Minister: Richard Bruton The attached pictures each show a list of companies found using the search word: GARDA, one from the Dun & Bradstreet website and the other from the Irish Companies Registration Office website. I am not an expert in company law, tax, or any other area really... and would happily accept an explanation from such an expert on why these registrations exist and why they differ. Until an explanation is provided these findings raise some legitimate questions which should be in the public domain and explained by the Garda Commissioners Office and the Irish Government. 1. Why are Garda stations including Garda Headquarters listed as companies on Dun & Bradstreet? 2. Why do these companies not appear on the CRO registry? 3. If these companies are not registered in Ireland, where are they registered? 4. If Garda Siochana come under the authority of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, and as such are a State body, with State employees, why is it necessary to register Garda operations as companies? 5. If Garda operations are trading as businesses, do they file accounts in Ireland? Do these companies make profits? Do they file and pay tax returns in Ireland? What bank accounts are maintained for these companies in Ireland and/or off-shore? 6. Who are the owners, directors and/or shareholders of these companies? 7. If these companies trade as private businesses are they acting fraudulently in receiving funds from the Irish government central exchequer? 8. Why are different Garda stations registered separately? Is the Garda Siochana body divided and controlled independently and with autonomous control among regional areas? Is this based on the jurisdiction of the Superintendents / Chief Superintendents? 9. Who or which other companies are trading with these Garda companies? 10. Have recent closures and cuts to service been based on the poor profitability of various Garda stations? 11. If these D&B registered companies are NOT liinked in any way to the Garda Siochana, are there private individuals or groups operating fraudulently under the guise of the Garda Siochana as official agencies of the State? 12. Has any of this been discovered, questioned, challenged or investigated previously by the Garda Siochana, media journalists, the Department of Justice, the Department of the Taoiseach (who still has not answered similar questions about himself, his office and department), the Director of Corporate Enforcement, The Attorney General or any other body? If so, what have been the findings? Again ... there may be perfectly plausible explanations for these registrations. However even if that is the case, the question which follows would be Are these companies open to to fraudulent exploitation or abuse by any individual or groups? Food for thought ... or maybe fuel for the fire. (expect me to be disappeared from facebook anytime soon LOL)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:35:57 +0000

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