GEN. MUGISHA MUNTU- A LEADER THAT IS DESTINED TO DELIVER UGANDA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends am happy to be able to write these simple facts about who Gen. Muntu is and why he is person that will salvage this country. I will start with who this man is, He is aborn of Ntungamo. He is apparently the FDC Party President. Here is a man who never panics and he does whatever he does on Purpose. He is a purpose driven leader. There is one thing that nearly cracks my ribs whenever I hear it from members of the public. The falsity that Gen. Muntu is soft, aske those near him, stop arguing generally. He is a systematic leader who takes some time to ponder before he takes action on important matters. He will always devote time to what is worth it. All his decisions are conscious and deliberate. All that he does is never out of force but rather genuine will for something better. Two case scenarios to elaborate this; At the age of 23yrs he made up his mind to join Museven and his friends in the jungles of Luwero. Joining from Makulubita he had nothing he was lacking. He was from a well to do family. In the bush his friends thought he was a spy and they kept a very close eye on him. What beat their understanding was how can the son of Mr. Enoch Muntuyera join the bush? His father was highly connected. This harsh judgement died when Gen. Muntu was shot and brought to Kiseka Clinic for treatment. After treatment he returned back to a unit coded Montrane that had 40 members with only 04riffles. He very well knew that they were not yet to capture power. There was no hope of capturing power. When his friends saw him back they now believed that he is not a spy. This is why Gen. Muntu never gets bothered whenever one labels him an NRM mole. Even then they called him such. He is a focused man who is never diverted to major in minors. Gen. Muntu commanded the UPDF for a significant number of years. When he was relieved from command he was offered a ministry which he turned down to Mr. Museveni. The NRM lost course right from 1996. This is when Gen. Muntu sensed that danger would befall them. He was still in command, there happened to be an LCV by election in Ntungamo. The army following certain orders got involved and there was rigging. Gen. Muntu Convined a meeting in Ntungamo which Museven attended. Gen. Muntu warned Museven in broad day light that if he followed and continued in that direction Uganda would descend to the dogs. He is equally among the few level headed Ugandans who opposed the removal of term limits from the constitution. This was the day Gen. Muntu parted ways with Museven until now. Prior to this, in 1996, Museven had ran an announcement telling the public that the army was supporting him, Gen. Muntu while still in command wrote to the radio that ran the announcement distancing the UPDF and himself from that announcement that Museven had ran. He joined FDC through PAFO. This was the Parliamentary wing that was opposed to the NRM, it joined with other groups and finally FDC was born. I pity Ugandans who say Gen. Muntu cant manage and that he is a Museven person.!!!!! Remember the strength of a chain lies in its softness. Gen. Muntu is one Ugandan who has this country at heart. He is sanded at how a country that God Endowed with all that can make Ugandans happy can still be crumbling and crawling in the mud. Sort of that, Gen. Muntu had no reason to join the opposition. If it was power, he had power as a commander and he was near the overall of the land and it was within reach easily then. If it was money, he would be there scooping like those that remained in the NRM. WHY DID HE CHOOSE THE HARD WAY.??? He was not comfortable with the entitlement mentality that is in the NRM. Those guys believe that because they fought they are entitled to do anything. They took it for a right, forgetting that non of us sent them to fight for us. So that belief that I have a right to take all that I want because I fought is what bothered this man until he left. He thought his friends had fought for Ugandans, to his shock was the contrary. He believes in a free Uganda where we are all equal before the law and God. A Uganda where we can all proudly enjoy. This is why he would like to give the citizens the power to reclaim what is due to them through democracy. Gen. Muntu should be trusted, he will steer the FDC and destine the same in a position where everyone will finally believe that here is a party capable of being trusted with this countrys leadership. The current regime in its state of late I believe it does not need a lot of force to remove. Mind you there is no government, it went long time what we are waiting to see in 2016 is just a ceremony to officially see them off. If you doubt, do you feel this government where you are??? What we need is a simple and a well calculated move and the skeleton will fall. It can be terminated at its own game that it is known to have mastered. Gen. Muntu is the leader to lay the true foundation of the next generation. We must be able to do double check before jumping into certain conclusions. Remember our generation is next in the Que. It will be hard for you who is living generally. For one to be part of our generational leadership crew he/she must have showed some degree of consistency in his or her dealing. We cant entrust our future and that of our sons into hands of a man or a woman who has never been a class monitor. The price for entrusting such people with power is seen. I rest mu case.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:58:55 +0000

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