GENERAL JAMES MADDOG MATTIS FOR COMMANDER IN CHIEF... WHY COMMANDER IN CHIEF AND NOT PRESIDENT YOU MIGHT ASK?? Here is the Petition Link!! ipetitions/petition/general-james-mattis-please-lead-the-second/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=button Because until we clean the political cesspool we do not need another Politician. We need a Commander who can make decisions without bowing to the progressive bureaucracies that are embedded with anti America Leftist, Pan African Anarchists, and Progressives. We must restore the Constitution and it cannot be done without an interim time where a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN WITH THE STRONG BACKING OF THE MILITARY CAN HOLD AMERICA TOGETHER AND SET THE SHIP RIGHT.. So Many Sincere and earnest Patriots talk about all kinds of ways... short of Revolution to Restore our Republic. Things like the States Convention the Countermand Convention Impeachment etc etc... All of these are Intellectual Pipe Dreams ... the Cabal is so firmly entrenched that the process will be sabotaged and will NEVER EVER COME TO FRUITION... THE ONLY WE WAY TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY THIS LATE IN THE GAME IS REVOLUTION... IN SOME FORM OR ANOTHER! No election of a Conservative Senate, Congress or President or Governors or Legislatures ...... is going to resolve the decayed underpinnings of the Constitutional Republic our country once was. It needs a whole lot more work before a President can do any meaningful work. FACT: The Bureaucracy and the Federal Judiciary is loaded with leftist Progressives and Socialists and unless and until we remove all of them through a Radical Bloodless/bloody Revolt.. all we will do is spend the next 30 years fighting against people with legal authority to enforce the mandate created by these crooks and ideologues over the past 90 years ...who have diametrically opposite views of what America should be than we do.. FACT: WE CANNOT CO-EXIST WITH IDEOLOGIES THAT ARE POLAR OPPOSITES TO OURS. NOTICE AS SOON AS THEY LOSE THEY TALK ABOUT US WORKING WITH THEM. WHEN THEY HAVE THE POWER THEY DO WHAT THE HELL THEY WANT. Electing a Conservative Senate, Congress or President or Governors or Legislatures whose hands are tied by Federal Judges and by Bureaucracies like the EPA, THE IRS, THE HHS etc that are also loaded with enemies of the Constitutional Republic is a WASTE OF TIME...and energy UNTIL we have completed the catharsis first. Thats a fact !! ONLY A REVOLUTION CLEANS THE SYSTEM. AN APOLITICAL GENERAL WHO TILL NOW HAS SHOWN NO LONG TERM POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS AND HAS SHOWN LOVE OF COUNTRY IS WHAT WE NEED. DONT YOU AGREE??
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:06:16 +0000

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