GET THE SKINNY ON SKINNY FIBER! 1) Why is SF not FDA approved? - - TopicsExpress


GET THE SKINNY ON SKINNY FIBER! 1) Why is SF not FDA approved? - It is not a drug, therefore it does not need to be approved by a Drug administration. It is a supplement aimed at detoxing and helping weight loss and has many great benefits from that, but it is not a medicine or drug intended to cure or prevent any diseases. The FDA does not approve Natural Supplements however by law; all manufacturers including Skinny Body Care are responsible for ensuring that its dietary supplement products are safe before they are marketed. Click the link below for more information. 2) Why is SF sold only online? - It is to reduce the costs have having a store and all the shipping and marketing costs. Word of mouth through real people who have tried SF and found success are the best for distributing the product. We are "products of the product." 3) Does everyone experience a detox effect? Depending on your current state of health and the number of capsules you take, you may experience different levels of detox when you first start taking Skinny Fiber. Some people need to go through this detox stage before they start to see the weight coming off. Skinny Fiber works hard to improve your health from the inside out. Just keep up the high water intake you will soon start seeing the benefits. 4) How long does it take Skinny Fiber to work? Skinny Fiber is not a quick fix weight loss product and it can take several weeks to start seeing results for some people. This is perfectly normal and varies from person to person depending on your state of health before you started taking Skinny Fiber. If you have digestion problems or other underlying health issues, it will take a while to restore your body’s balance. Fat can be stored as a way of protecting the body and once your overall health improves, the weight loss will follow. 5) Do I have to diet and/or exercise to get results from Skinny Fiber? The answer to this question again will depend on your body. We have many customers who have not changed their diets and have never exercised 1 day while on it and are getting amazing results. Unfortunately, this is not the case with everyone! Just for the purpose of becoming healthy, if you need to lose weight and/or have health issues, you should begin to make healthy lifestyle changes by watching what and how much you eat as well as trying to move your body everyday. 6) Does Skinny Fiber have any side effects? To date we have not discovered any reports of negative side effects due to the use of Skinny Fiber. Some individuals may notice increased bowel movements, bloating and gas at first due to the increase in fiber and detoxifying effect on the body depending on the state of their digestive health when they start taking the supplement. If this happens, we suggest increasing your water intake. These effects are usually short lived once the body gets used to the increased fiber and your digestive health starts to improve. 7) After I am done taking Skinny Fiber, will I gain my weight back? NO. Although, many people stay on Skinny Fiber after they have met their weightloss goals due to the health benefits they personally experienced while taking SF. The longer you have been on SF the better. Why? Because SF detoxed your body, cleaned out the toxins and rebalanced your hormones creating a body that was “ready” to lose weight. However, with skinny fiber or any weight loss regiment- if you go back to eating junk and drinking calories you WILL gain back weight. You cannot go back to bad eating and drinking habits and think that the weight is going to stay off. After being on Skinny Fiber for awhile, it should have retrained your brain to become intune to your body’s needs- into only needing smaller portions at meal times, and eating more throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism going and your blood sugars level. SO if you continue to maintain the good eating habits you learned while on SF then you will be fine. Also to remember to keep moving- Go for a walk, ride a bike, Swim, dance or chase the kiddies or animals around the park. Let me know if you have any other questions!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:19:09 +0000

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