GHEA GRIM ADVENT 17TH DEC The Legend of Mothman Mothman is - TopicsExpress


GHEA GRIM ADVENT 17TH DEC The Legend of Mothman Mothman is described as being a large, man-shaped creature with huge wings and glowing, red eyes. The creature was first seen on November 15, 1966 by Roger and Linda Scarberry, their cousin Lonnie Button, and Steve and Mary Mallette. One night, the group was driving past the West Virginia Ordnance Works, located about seven miles north of Point Pleasant, when they noticed two red lights near the factory gate. They stopped the car to investigate and discovered that the lights were actually the glowing eyes of a large animal, shaped like a man, but bigger, maybe six and a half or seven feet tall, with big wings folded against its back, according Linda Scarberry in an eye witness account detailed at Mothman Museum. The creature chased the group at speeds of over 100 miles per hour toward Route 62. The following night, the creature was seen by Mrs. Marcella Bennett and then again on November 24 by four more people. On November 25, the Mothman was seen standing in a field when it suddenly spread its wings and flew away. On January 11, 1967, the Mothman was seen hovering around the Point Pleasant Bridge, also called the Silver Bridge. On and off throughout that year, more reports were filed about sightings of the creature around the bridge. Finally, on December 15, 1967, the bridge collapsed and killed 46 people. Was Mothman trying to warn the people of Point Pleasant about the impending disaster, or was it somehow responsible? Ever since the Silver Bridge disaster, Mothman has not been seen in Point Pleasant, but it has made its presence known elsewhere. It appears that the Mothman or a similar creature also showed itself in Russia just before the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Reports state that a large winged figure with glowing red eyes flew around the plant and was seen in the nearby village of Pripyat in the weeks leading up to the nuclear plants meltdown. The creature was said to have incredible massive wings easily large enough to give the massive bird purchase in the air and allow it to soar through the heavens and descend before frightened witnesses. Though surviving testimony of the bird suggests the sightings were nowhere near as extensive as the original Mothman sightings in Point Pleasant, the Mothmans iconic shape and eyes have been connected to the Chernobyl disaster and it was later dubbed The Black Bird of Chernobyl. At mothman lives website people can post their eye witness accounts of the Mothman. While some cases on the site have recent Mothman sightings up to and including 2010, none of the reports have been verified as authentic and the credibility of the witness is not questioned. The reports stand as simply sightings made by the websites visitors. As far as the most recent official sighting in which the creature was reported to the police, most sources point to the Mothman sightings in April of 2009 in Chihuahua, Mexico. According to investigator Ing. Francisco Preito Torres many of the towns residents had encounters with a very tall entity, standing some two meters tall, with two pairs of wings. Oddly enough, these encounters took place right before the Swine Flu Pandemic outbreak of 2009. Will they be the last?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:31:36 +0000

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