GHOMESHI’S Q RADIO SHOW ENGULFS CBC IN POTENTIAL “PAYOLA” SCANDAL In today’s Toronto Star, investigative reporter Kevin Donovan exposed that Jian Ghomeshi was promoting and showcasing on his very popular Q radio show, Canadian singers and rock groups, who shared the same agent and entertainment lawyer as Ghomeshi. Without publicly disclosing this connection. In other words, suspicions have been raised that those same musical artists showcased on Ghomeshi’s show, were there because of the their connections to Ghomeshi and his own advisers, and not because they were the best, or innovative, or emerging stars, or even talented- but they had influence. In the same article, other equally or more talented Canadian artists believed they were denied national exposure on Q because they lacked the proper connections or influence. In the bad old days of the 50s and 60s in the US, American record companies bribed American radio DJs with money, women, cars, free vacations and tvs and lots of other stuff, to have their songs played regularly on the radio, aka “payola”. Because many of the clients of Ghomeshi’s own agent and entertainment lawyer, got “valuable play” on Q, was Ghomeshi also enriched directly or indirectly? This whole potential CBC payola scandal really smells. The federal government must investigate this potential modern day payola scandal, as the American government did in the 1950s and 60s. It is time to eradicate the multiple cancers growing throughout the CBC body. Clean out all senior managers associated with Ghomeshi. Investigate this potential payola scandal. Otherwise, stop the money train to CBC. Pull the plug on this corrupt and morally compromised taxpayer funded public institution. If you are mad as hell and have had it with CBC, please share this post. msn/en-ca/news/canada/jian-ghomeshi-booked-guests-that-shared-his-agent-lawyer/ar-BBgj221?ocid=iehp
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:20:08 +0000

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