*** GIFT FOR A SISTA RECIPIENTS *** This was probably one of - TopicsExpress


*** GIFT FOR A SISTA RECIPIENTS *** This was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do - choosing just 20 people as EVERYONE was so worthy of winning this. Your nominations made me weep big fat tears you beautiful people. The chosen recipients are; 1 Annette Hill I nominate Rachel Cox and think the perfect word for her is STANDING. She lives with chronic illness, she loves her family, she pushes through barriers that would slay most of us, and her blog is raising awareness and bringing a huge community together. Even when her legs give way, she is STANDING in her soul. Youve got this Rach xx Rachel Cox - STANDING 2 Carla Jayne Hooper-Dixon My sister! I think I would choose the words Free Spirited! I love her to bits but she does it her way, says it how it is, does as she pleases, fiery yet compassionate and loves us all like there is no tomorrow and for that I am almost envious and that is why I would use the words free spirited its what I love most about her! Tam Hooper - FREE SPIRITED 3 Alison Asher I have two friends, sisters, who died of cancer. One 8yrs ago and one last year. One of them was an amazing chef and she had a two cafes called Sister Organics. I would like a pressie for their remaining sister, the beautiful Belinda. And of course Id love it to be engraved Sister. Belinda - SISTER 4 Bonny Bonfire Rayward Mellisa Grigg - her word Dory - She is one of the funniest, most heart warming people in the world. She always knows exactly what to say when she knows I am stressed, worried or upset. I have been her friend for over 15 years and I couldnt imagine a life without her randomness and her attraction to shiny things (hence the word Dory lol). She is an amazing person who is loved a lot by my whole family Mellisa Grigg - DORY 5 Michelle Cheetham I nominate Narelle Ball and my word for her is giving. She gives of her time, energy, love, compassion and understanding in her role as childrens pastor at my church. Her role includes so many families from outside the church through playgroup, school holiday sports programs, mentoring at the local primary school and organizing the annual Christmas carols. Hundreds of families in our local community are blessed by her and her amazing gift for children. Narelle Ball - GIVING 6 Nadine Costelow I nominate Claudia Maffescioni, this gorgeous young lady is going through a massive challenge at the moment battling against Hodgkins lymphoma. She is doing so with enormous strength, grace and dignity. Its a hard enough time in life as a teenager let alone having to deal with a massive health issue. My word for her is BELIEVE, believe in you, believe in your loved ones, believe you WILL beat this xxxx Claudia Maffescioni - BELIEVE 7 Tiura Hadipranoto Shine is the word I would use for my bestie Becci Finn. She has been the shining light in many challenging times in my life. At 14 when my mother passed away, she was there to help pick up the pieces. When our dear friend passed away in our twenties she was a rock. When my daughter was born last year, she was right beside me with a gentle supportive touch. So many adventures we have shared! To all her family and friends, shes a ray of sunshine and a shining example of a strong woman with a gentle way. How lucky I am to call her my soul sister xx Becci Finn - SHINE 8 Melissa Millard Ill nominate Rikki Slack-Smith who constantly brings SPARKLE to life with everything she does - to her extended family, her students and their families, her friends - she is a true inspiration that when you are yourself filled with joy and magic, its impossible for it not to be shared. Rikki Slack-Smith - SPARKLE 9 Isobel Clarke Leesa Mahoney - I met her when I was 20 and we are still friends 20 years later. She has been with me through good and bad times and through celebrations and challenges; we have lost touch during those years then met up and picked up where we left off. I would have the words rock steady for her because I can always rely on her to give me the real answers (not just what I want to hear!). Its also the name of a techno song we used to dance to when we were young and carefree! Lessa Mahoney - ROCK STEADY 10 Samantha Ludgate Aldridge I nominate Natalie Bunworth! She has spent the past year organising everything from Cake Stalls to City to Bay teams and everything in between to raise money for the Kids Cancer Project. The word that best describes her unstoppable. She has got an entire community supporting a cause close to all our hearts! Natalie Bunworth - UNSTOPPABLE 11 Colette Giles I nominate my niece Kym Ruhan, she lost the love of her life this year, when their hopes n dreams were coming true, shes experienced sadness that no one should ever experience! However, day after day shes still standing with the wind behind her of her 3 gorgeous boys who keep their Dads smile alive and they personify life itself! She is truly an inspiration to us all! My word for her would be LIGHT! Because his light will shine over her forever! Kym Ruhan - LIGHT 12 Melanie Carter - Nathalie Brown who is KIND In fact, probably the kindest person Ive ever known and I am proud to call her friend. Nathalie Brown - KIND 13 Tracey Kellock Katrina Redcliffe. This lady is the devoted mother of 3 boys, 1 with special needs and 1 who has been diagnosed this year with complex regional pain disorder as the result of an accident. Every year she plans and prepares a respite weekend away for 20-30 other mothers who are parents and carers of children with special needs. She spends hours in the planning and preparations and during the course of the weekend is the tour guide for activities and makes sure that every mum/carer is enjoying their time away. For many of them it is their only break from their often tiring,emotional caring role each year. She is steadfast in her loyalty and commitment to ensuring the continuation of the annual event. And her loyalty and passion for the mental health of other women is inspiring. steadfast Katrina Redlcliffe - STEADFAST 14 Sally-Anne Blanshard My boy-Sista Owen who I have been friends with since we were 13. 26 years later... He is in the UK I am in Australia. He is forgetful, opinionated and utterly adorable, supportive and I cherish his friendship. Miss him. My word for him? Amity Owen- AMITY 15 Julia Bailey Karen Rimmington....LOVE. A friend who has imperfections. A friend who struggles. A friend who is grounded and deals eloquently with the minute by minute life moments that define her. A friend who may never understand the impact she has on others xx Karen Rimmington - LOVE 16 Jess Black Alexis Butchart -Tyson Not a word to describe her. But the name given to her angel son. Gone from this world far too soon xxx Alexis Butchart - TYSON 17 Nicole McCormack - for a private nomination (COURAGE) Jo Borrman-Gibson - COURAGE 18 Kathleen Fairweather A woman who gives up her time for free to council struggling mothers deserves a medal - Sarah Waldin Wheatland - exceptional Sarah Waldin Wheatland - EXCEPTIONAL 19 Nicky Rogan I nominate Vicki Behagg Angel. Vicki has had some very hard hurdles to jump over & throughout everything she has been through she still manages to take in crisis care babies & children & show them love and security & put their needs above her own x Vicki Behagg - ANGEL 20 Talitha Grobbelaar Louise Van de Kerkhof SUNSHINE, she brings such happiness and sunshine into every room she enters xx Louise Van de Kerkhof - SUNSHINE Can we please ask that the beautiful nominators contact us via private message with the full name and address of your recipients. Thank you so much to everyone who took part in such a truly incredible thing xx
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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