GIFTING IT FORWARD IS MORE APT, DONT YOU THINK? “This is a story about BLESSINGS that come from SHARING. On a weekend trip to the Gaither fest in Tennessee with friends who are on a fixed income, we were hoping to get tickets at a reduced price. In previous years we were sometimes able to purchase them at the last minute for 75.00 each. My husband went to inquire and learned that someone had left two tickets with a lady at the desk, who said she had to work and was unable to use them. ‘Do you want to sell them?’ he asked. ‘You can have them,’ she replied. ‘They WERE GIVEN TO ME so I will GIVE THEM TO YOU.’ Needless to say my husband was shouting for joy! We decided to SHARE ONE OF THE TICKETS with our FRIENDS. So my husband and our friends husband went off to buy 2 more tickets. Upon arriving at the convention center another man walked up to them and asked, ‘Do you need two tickets?’ ‘Sure, how much?’ ‘YOU CAN HAVE THEM!’ Again we jumped for joy! God always seems to bless us WHEN WE SHARE OUR BLESSINGS. We thank and praise Him for all the big and small things he does for us!” Cheryl Adams •••• GOD LOVES TO WINK at those who SHARE His blessings and acknowledge THE SOURCE. If you receive a blessing today, why not GIFT IT FORWARD! (I like that way of saying it, rather than PAYING it Forward, dont you?) Wishes for winks. SQ
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 02:50:00 +0000

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