GLOBAL GAYATRI MANTRA CHANTING: Sai Ram Dear Gods and Goddesses - TopicsExpress


GLOBAL GAYATRI MANTRA CHANTING: Sai Ram Dear Gods and Goddesses of the world! Global Gayatri Mantra chanting program: The next global Gayatri Mantra chanting program shall take place on Saturday 30th August 2014 from 2pm to 7pm (at your countrys local time)... Before I go any further, I would like to explain something about this program, which now and then a few individuals have asked me about from different locations around the globe: Why are we chanting unconditionally, without any personal desires, including for reasons such as world peace? Why is this program strictly sticking to chanting with Pure, Unconditional Love to God and only focusing on the physical comfort of the Avatars bodies? What about personal sickness, what about world peace, etc? Well, to answer this question, as I often do, I shall start by sharing a quote of Bhagavan (God) Babas message from Sathya Sai Vahini: ....since there is no fruit or object more valuable than God or more worthwhile than God, the Vedas advise us to love God, with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you must love for love’s sake; Love God, since whatever He can give is less than He Himself. Love Him alone, with no other wish or demand. (Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Vahini) The reason why the above quote is so important is because it discloses the Supreme secret of the answer to Bhakti (Devotion)! Sai Baba is explaining how Devotion should ultimately be practised. - Today, I shall break it down for you and explain how it solves all of the problems that so many are concerned about: If we pray to God with Pure, Unconditional Love: Hence, whole-heartedly and with no desires (whether they be personal or worldy), then we are becoming a reflection of Him! As we are feeling, behaving and thinking with Pure Love and no maya (attachments, desires, illusions). As Baba has said, God is simple, the world is complicated. Simply become Love. By loving God for the sake of loving Him, you are becoming Love, as God is Love! Now imagine if everything, everyone, was a reflection of this pure, desire-less, unconditional Love; the same as Sai Baba/God is!... Imagine a world with only Sai Babas living in it! - There would be no need for any concerns such as world peace even, as there would be no worries and no conditional/selfish requests, demands or desires. All would be Love and Peace! If however, we make laws, and the subjects of society; us, as a people, as individuals have not changed and become Pure, Unconditional Love, then how long can national or international, or universal peace last for? And, was it truly peace anyway, when people carried selfish desires, maya and conflict inside of them? If we pray for peace, and even if He grants it: Individuals themselves will break the peace in their homes, society, and in the world. So change on the inside, as this will bring change on the out. As He explains, life is a reflection. The moment you become Surrendered and at peace, you shall all experience this peace in the world too! Concentrate on your inner being, your true Self, and change as an individual. If we all focus on Babas message of peak Devotion and change as individuals, we have solved all the problems in the world. No mass conflict, no personal accumulation of karma either. Laws get broken when criminals live in society. However, laws are not even needed when society; its people are good. So Surrender to His word and Love Him for the sake of Loving Him (the Godhead) alone, with no other wish or desire, just as He explains above. Another point is this: To chant the Gayatri Mantra properly, it has to be chanted unconditionally, as the prayer is just an expression and focus of Love to God. This is why Baba says even though you may give up any other prayer, never give up the Gayatri Mantra. Mother Gayatri gives us Buddhi (Divine Wisdom) and that wisdom is to become this One True Love, by merging with God, who is Love Himself! So, Surrender to Him and merge and become Him! Why are we are focusing on Gods well-being? - Because, the human mind needs to focus on something, and it helps us express our Love to Him. Most importantly, this knowledge is Truth and a gift from Sathya Sai Baba. We are all here to play our part in this game of Love and Life. Lets do the one thing the Avatars do not do for themselves, and pray and ask them to care for their own well-being too, just as they care for ours, their Spiritual and Divine Children. Why we pray for Gods forms: is your responsibility to look after this body. I am not the deha (body); I am the Dehi (Indweller). (Sai Baba) Why we always continue to pray for His forms: I incarnate from age to age. (Sai Baba, ‘The Milestone Discourse’) At the next program, we shall be watching a video of The Buddha, which you can all see below. - The clip reminds us of the focus, equanimity and dedication we should have during the times that we meditate and chant upon God: https://youtube/watch?v=NmK2Cw0DJUI& The Gayatri Mantra and its meaning: Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah Thath Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayath We mediate on Gods glory, who has created the Universe, who is fit to be worshipped, who is the embodiment of knowledge and light, the remover all sins and ignorance. May He enlighten our intellects To join in with the global Gayatri Mantra chanting program, every two months, and for those who want to receive the media files and full program schedule to be followed on the day of Saturday 30th August 2014, please contact: [email protected] This program is not for centres, churches and temples only. All can chant, all can join in as individuals, families or communal groups. Even hospital wards are participating.! God is for each and every one! These messages are going out to over 80,000 individuals and group leads, who then forward them on to their groups and friend circles: We are uniting together on a global scale, from over 50 countries, every two months: From UK to India; from USA to Iraq - to express Pure, Unconditional Love to God, asking Him to always care for His own physical forms, just as He cares for ours; His children. Jas Sai Gayatri Maa ki Jai!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:27:18 +0000

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