#GLOBALWITNESS #ESCHATON Thus saith Lord of hosts OUR LORD - TopicsExpress


#GLOBALWITNESS #ESCHATON Thus saith Lord of hosts OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING OF DAVID, THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR: Come whosoever who is thirty and let them TAKE (RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST BY GRACE) WATER OF LIFE FREELY. Indeed, the Eschaton should give us hope that is predicated on the promise of Jesus Christs return. The relationship of the plagues, trumpets, seals, bowl of judgements can be interpreted in three ways. First is the Telescopic progression (also known as dove-tailing ) maintains that the seventh seal contains the seven trumpets and the seventh trumpet comprises the seven bowls. It attempts to demonstrate the the interconnectedness and overlap between the series of seprets but also to account the progression evident in each new sepret. [1] God is sovereign and He will consummate His plan for the establishment of His kingdom here on earth. The second is chronological succession which is based on the chronological continuing events of the Eschaton. The third is recapitulation, In other words, the trumpets cover the same occurrences as the seals, and the bowls signify the same period as the seals and trumpets. [2] In approaching the study of Revelation, there are four ways of interpreting the eschatological events in the Book of Revelation. The Historicist is not a very popular approach being that the Book is interpreted based in past events. The idealist view does not completely relate the eschatological events to the consummation of Gods plans for the end times. The preterist position (from the Latin praeteritus meaning gone by) is also known as contemporary historical which approaches the relationship between history and the Book of Revelation from the viewpoint that the events prophesied were fulfilled in the first century. [3] The futuristic progressive prophecy maintain that the linear progression of prophetic events lead to the FULL REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST WHEN WE SEE HIM FACE TO FACE AT THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. GOD BLESS YOU. Prayer For Salvation Do You Know... GOD LOVES YOU SIN SEPARATES PEOPLE FROM GOD JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS YOU CAN RECEIVE JESUS NOW AND KNOW GODS LOVE If you confess with your mouth Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Pray this prayer out loud: Heavenly Father, in Jesus name I repent of my sins and open my heart to let Jesus come inside of me. Jesus, You are my Lord and Savior. I believe you died for my sins and you were raised from the dead. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank You Father for saving me in Jesus name. Amen. print this page, make sure you sign and document your salvation, email me with your testimony that YOU GOT SAVED AND BORN AGAIN BY JESUS TODAY DO NOT DELAY YOUR ETERNAL LIFE WITH JESUS CHRIST. If you have just prayed this prayer, please print out your very own Spiritual Birth Certificate. Spiritual Birth Certificate My Spiritual Birth Certificate For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13 Knowing that I have sinned and that I need the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, I now turn from my sins and trust Jesus for my eternal life. I ask Jesus Christ to forgive me and to deliver me from sins power and give me eternal life. I now give Jesus Christ control of my life. From this time forward, as He gives me strength, I will seek to serve Him and obey Him in all areas of my life. Date: _________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ GOD BLESS YOU ALL, WITH SO MUCH LOVE, APOSTLE, PROPHET, TEACHER, EVANGELIST, PASTOR, GLOBAL REVIVALIST, GLOBAL CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICIST, REVEREND CARINA CARANTES
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:20:02 +0000

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