GLORY REFORMATION (Part 2) ...THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH! His argument was that man could only be justified (declared righteous) before Almighty God, and enter into the state of salvation through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which made propitiation (acceptable sacrifice) for mans sins. And not according to adherence to mans establishment. An interesting side note: The verse that Martin Luther found; through which the Spirit of the Lord brought that revelation is also found in the book of Habakkuk chapter two. Habakkuk was also sent to prophesy against the religious order of his day. Against those who had authority over the House of God and the people who had chosen and allowed themselves to be defiled by their practices. Martin Luther brought a revelation of truth concerning salvation. He forced the people to take a fresh look at salvation, and how to receive it. He placed the peoples eyes back on Jesus. The salvation message focuses on the Mercy of God. The Lord is merciful, willing to forgive. Not placing the punishment that men deserve upon them... But upon Jesus, he has laid the iniquity of us all. Habakkuk also spoke of an Appointed Time (2:3). At the appointed time, the Lord sent Habakkuk. At the appointed time, he sent Martin Luther to reveal, and bring a focus on the salvation message. At other appointed times he sent others bringing revelations of truth, not to replace the former, but rather to build upon and strengthen the foundation. Salvation spoke of the Lords mercy. The Pentecostal movement expressed that the Spirit of the Lord is powerful, active, and present. Which progressed into a time of great miracles, signs and wonders, the manifestations of the Mighty God. The Faith movement revealed that individuals could activate the laws of the Kingdom to receive the goodness of the Lord on behalf of themselves and others. In our most recent Appointed Time, there has come a heightened focus on Grace. Grace has been defined in the simplest sense as Unmerited Favor. The understanding that we can go from, not just, not getting what we do deserve, but even greater, we can get what we do not deserve. That which we did not, nor cannot earn. I agree with this line of thinking as long as, and as far as the Constitution dictates. With every deeper revelation of truth, there comes, over time, the opinions and traditions of men, which the Master stated, Diminishes the power of the Constitution. Salvation, to many is now considered a dusty relic. Pentecostalism is steeped in emotion, and sensations of the flesh, a performance in front of men, confined within four walls, and focusing on only two days. The day they got saved, and the day they will get to go to heaven. Faith has been corrupted by greed and self indulgence, focusing on a form and principle to try to force the Lord to act. Grace is quickly turning into a Free for All. The ironic thing is that it is indeed free for all, but you understand my context. Those who understand, do not see the Grace message as a license to sin, and that is not how I meant it. The LORD sends appointed ones, to appointed places at appointed times. The Bible recounts a story of a member of the messenger core, who upon seeing the king speaking with a general became zealous and took off running, but when he arrived at his destination, he had no message to deliver, he could not relay the message and word of the King. So many run out, thinking they are operating in the name of the God, but they are only operating in the name of Good. Remember, there were two sides of that tree which bare the forbidden fruit. Grace does not allow the individual to just run out and do what they feel like, in the name of sin, or God. Grace has a Purpose! 2 Timothy 1:9 - Who has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to HIS OWN PURPOSE and GRACE, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. The Father had, and has a plan and purpose in the world, which requires grace to accomplish and bring to full fruition. Note: the purpose preceded the grace, and at the appointed time, Grace & Truth, came by Jesus Christ. (To Be Continued)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:10:05 +0000

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