GLORY or GLOW-RAY When a young Rapper/Prophet from the deep - TopicsExpress


GLORY or GLOW-RAY When a young Rapper/Prophet from the deep south says GLORY, it actually comes out GLOW-RAY. (Courtesy of Jeremy Thrash) God comes from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. His splendor covered the heavens, and His praise filled the earth. His brilliance is like light; rays are flashing from His hand. This is where His power is hidden. Habakkuk 3:3,4 (Holmans) Splendor is hod meaning glory, beauty, majesty, authority, excellency, honor, grandeur. His brilliance - His nogah - His spendor, brightness, radiance is like light - or - (from owr) like illumination, sun, sunlight, sunshine, lightning. Rays is qeren in Hebrew and can mean strength, might and also horns - like a horn or flask of oil used by prophets to anoint kings. Power is oz and also can mean strength, might, boldness. Hidden is chebyah - meaning concealed. When God comes in His glory or manifests His glory, we must be open to receive revelation or illumination of His hidden or concealed power-dimension in His hand. It is as if He has horns or flasks of oil in His hand ready to release to the one who has revelation. Our God is a consuming fire. When you throw oil on a fireit is like a flash of power - or like lightning. When the oil is released with fire it is spectacular glory. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost in the Upper Room. God released the anointing of the Holy Spirit with fire,and a mighty rushing wind of fire came into that room with tongues of fire sitting upon each one. This fire comes to empower believers. It also comes to judge everything not like God. It brought blessing to a generation that repented, and judgment to those in that generation that remained in wickedness. Lord - may we again be baptized afresh with the Holy Ghost and with fire!!! Empower us to be your bold witnesses beginning in our Jerusalem, and to the utter most parts of the earth. Send us with your anointing - your strong empowerment - equipped to do great exploits for our King and His Kingdom. May we truly be anointed, fire-baptized kings and priests of generation we live in now. Let it be so. Amen!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:07:08 +0000

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