GM FAMILY AND FRIENDS As we (well you all-I have to work) - TopicsExpress


GM FAMILY AND FRIENDS As we (well you all-I have to work) prepare to enter our houses of worship, lets prepare our hearts and minds not just to receive a word from the Lord, but to put that word into action! We must, at all times, show others Christ through us! Amen!? Father God in Your Son Jesus Christ precious name, I humbly come before You this morning to thank You for another blessed day! I thank You for and on behalf of my wife, my five sons, five grandsons, sisters, brother, nieces, nephews, host of cousins, in-laws and friends! Thank You for watching over us yesterday and waking us up this morning. Thank You for giving us another chance to show and share Your love with others! Father, forgive me for any and every sin I committed against You yesterday, last night and throughout this new day Youve blessed me with! As I go through this day, increase within me, Your Spirits power so that I may boldly proclaim Your Word, Your truths through all I say and do! Let the fruit of the Spirit increase especially patience, as I wait for the doors to be opened, taking me to a higher level in You! Lord, You know my heart and my mind, for Im created in Your image, redeemed by Your blood, sustained by Your Spirit. Use me Lord God to Your glory this day. May my conduct, conversation and character be acceptable in Your sight this day! Now Lord, keep Your people protected today as we travel to and from! Watch over our households and all within them! I ask You these things in the mighty, magnificent and marvelous name of Jesus the Christ and for His sake I do pray! Amen! ------ Galatians 3:26-4:7 TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Under the rule of the Roman Empire, our Savior shed His blood for us. Under that same rule conditions were made for the spread of the gospel; good roads, territorial boundaries free of passport restrictions and a unifying language. The providence of God had put all the pieces in place for the perfect time to send His Son! Gods timing is perfect in everything. We may be waiting , wondering why God doesnt seem to be acting on our behalf. Remember, Hes working behind the scenes to prepare His moment of intervention at just the right time! Trust Him! He knows what time it is! TEACH US, O LORD, THE DISCIPLINES OF PATIENCE, FOR TO WAIT IS OFTEN HARDER THAN TO WORK! Ministry Of Reconciliation & Encouragement BE ENCOURAGED AND BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT Ambassador Young
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:42:22 +0000

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