GM fb FAM, I just had the craziest dream that freaked me the hell - TopicsExpress


GM fb FAM, I just had the craziest dream that freaked me the hell out, so Im riding in the car with my cousin Juwanna Williams & my brother Hassan.... Juwanna is the driver so we get into what looks like a shopping center & they were doing some kind of construction so it was cars in line with a bunch of huge glass sheets lined up near them so Juwanna turns the corner fast as we approach the glass & I say woah cuz the glass the glass we ran straight into the glass the car spins out of control the glass falls on other cars, cars start crashing other cars & its a huge pile up so while all of this is happening Im no longer in the car Im on some kind of dumpster at a distance watching with stuff on my leg etc. etc. & Im in no pain not thinking about how the hell I got so far out the car I see Juwanna coming from the pile up bending over crying & someone consoling her then I see Hassan running off so I jump off the dumpster to join in the convo like OK we good trying to make since of it all get myself together not noticing that they were ignoring me the next thing I know the guy said to my cousin you see that you see that I was looking around too because I felt like he was talking to both of us so we see what looks like ppl flying off next thing I know I felt something grab my hand but it was nothing there at 1st then all of a sudden an angel appeared with wings & everything an Asian looking woman with my hand gripped tight & pulled me away I was so overwhelmed, amazed & oblivious I yelled look yall look as I was going in the air it wasnt until they wasnt paying me any attention that I questioned myself & said did I die & at that moment I got freaked out & the angel pulled me back towards them as if she wanted me to see & I woke up feeling crazy & weird I still felt the touch of the angels hand when I woke up it felt so real, thats why Juwanna was crying so hard I believe I was in all that rubble dead, so it creeped me out that I had a dream that I died I was wondering why I was on that dumpster & felt no pain, that angel felt so had to share it scared me when I woke up so I shared it immediately tears was forming as I was typing this crazy, I have been experiencing major life changes recently & death does mean change who knows but it was weird... Enjoy your day fb FAM...
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:05:26 +0000

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