GOD GAVE HIS LIFE FOR THE CHURCH! THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL!!!!!!!!!!! As you see The Day approaching forsake NOT the assembling of yourselves!!!! REGARDLESS of any and all circumstances there IS always a way to obey His Word!! THOSE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG AND ACCOMPLISH GREAT EXPLOITS! THEY ARE THE ONES WHO SHALL PREVAIL!!!! Years ago when I first rededicated my life to Jesus & was Baptized in His Spirit, there were not any local churches that Genuinely abided in Him. My friends and I did attend a local church BUT it was when we simply gathered together, that God showed up! Almost daily we met at restaurants or houses to Fellowship. There was no constraint about it; but a Firey Zeal for simply more of Jesus!!!!!!! All of us worked. Many of us were in college and worked. The ONLY thing that truly mattered was more of JESUS! CONSTANTLY God brought wounded souls to know Him! OFTEN one of us had either a Gift of The Word of Knowledge or TheWord of Wisdom for someone who we were to MEET! ALWAYS God was Glorified and many were being Healed & Born Again! There is no debates over The Power of God nor His Supernatural Gifts IF those He uses are reverencing Him and have strong prayer lives!!! 1 Corinthians Says The Gift of Tongues is a Sign for the unbelievers! So are ALL the Gifts of The Spirit IF they GENUINELY WROUGHT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!! God has Perfect order and perfect Timing in ALL that HE does! The Gifts are simply the same as Prayer Life! They are like ALL matters of The Kingdom; in that they are entrusted to be grown, cultivated and matured! Jesus Christ Himself Said that IF we believe, we SHALL speak in Tongues, cast out devils and heal the sick!!!! The Holy Spirit could NOT be in/remain in the hearts of the Old Testament believers! Jesus Christ first had to come and live a sinless life and become our Righteousness first so that His Spirit could come into our lives!!! The Gifts are irrevocable!. The Gifts did not cease with the early church, that was simply the Foundation according to The Word! Where Paul stated that The Spirit is given diversely as He wills, means that God Himself is The Baptizer! He gives individually to each of us!!!!!! His Good Pleasure is to give us ALL, The Kingdom , & ALL the Gifts!!!! Many are forsaking fellowship/ assembling together to Worship Him. Many are speaking against the Holy Spirit focusing on how some have gone astray in flakiness & foolishness. Both errors lend to BLASPHEMY! Both lend to stagnation! Both are simply UNBELIEF and it is the unbelief of IDOLATRY! It is believing the words of man or denominations rather than THE WORD OF GOD!!! THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY TO OBEY HIS WORD! If it is a matter of only 2 or 3 gathering for coffee, or at a home or even over the phone for shut-ins...He Himself will be in your midst!!!! BELIEVE!! BELIEVE HIS WORD!!! God does Great Miracles where we simply believe Him at His Word! DAILY we pass by the downtrodden, those who are stressed out and broken hearted! GOD WANTS TO REACH THOSE IN YOUR LIVES, BEARING EVERLASTING FRUIT!!!!! I long for friends who cannot get enough of Jesus! I long for those in my life who would not think of going to a restaurant without bringing their Bibles! It is not a matter of anything except pure & awesome EXPECTACY in what God shall do!!!!!!!! I long to be among those who pray unceasingly! Who pass a stalled car; they ask, Lord what would YOU have me to do!!! IF THE LORDS PRESENCE IS AS FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES, HE SHALL REACH MANY, MANY THROUGH YOUR LIFE IN A LASTING & ETERNAL WAY!! Those among us should SEE the Glory of God upon us!!!!! BELIEVE HIS EVERY WORD! OBEY HIS EVERY WORD!!! EXPECT HIM WITH GREAT ANTICIPATION!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 04:22:03 +0000

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