GOD IS AWESOME Court today was scheduled for 11am. At - TopicsExpress


GOD IS AWESOME Court today was scheduled for 11am. At 10:06am my caseworker called and asked, did anyone call me yet to tell me court was canceled I said, NO. Caseworker said she figured so thats why she was calling to make sure I knew. I said, wow, thank you and I hung up. I immediately told dad what just happened. Dad also happened to be on the phone with our family defense lawyer then right then, family defense said they had not heard that and who told me that, dad responded. I immediately called, then texted my lawyer that court was canceled. Dad called his lawyer and his lawyer said he wasnt told that and said he just arrived at the court house. His lawyer said he would find out. My lawyer called me back, she said she had just arrived at the court house. She told me she was never told court was canceled and never got an email from the state or Judge that court was canceled. I told my lawyer see I told you the way DCFS will try there next trick is to not show up for court. I told my lawyer thats why it means nothing if stuff and complaints are not documented and people just want to talk about. Our caseworker and her supervisor who met with parents Monday both said they would be at court. I stopped listening to the devils lies so dad and me left for court. My lawyer called and said hurry court is not cancelled your up next. I responded we are five minutes away. Lets just say I got some nasty looks from a few on the opposing side. Guess they thought I was dumb enough or they were going to try to use that Im currently sick against me. Im not dumb enough to believe someone who is not my lawyer that court is canceled or believe someone who has been lying to us and on parents documents months. Our caseworker works our case against us. IN JESUS NAME I AM THANKFUL THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ME WISDOM AND STRENGTH. Needless to say parents complaints against DCFS in regards to Christmas Eve being canceled and twins placed with family was not addressed. Our caseworker nor her supervisor showed up to court but all other parties were there and Thank God so were we. The DCFS lawyer was present at court and our lawyers were told my caseworker got confused. NO, NO if you were so calling to tell me for court that was scheduled this morning was canceled thats a lie. Everyone had been made aware that trial for me personally today was continued not cancel. Plus trial was set for 9am today, so why would if what DCFS lawyer said caseworker was confused be calling to tell me at 10am its canceled when it would have started at 9. Thank God I refused to believe the enemies lies, we would have had a warrant put on us today and worse. Of course when it came down to it would have been my words against hers. Because I have given God complete control over all this I no longer worry and prepare myself for the devils tricks. Trial date has been postponed and next court date is not until March 18th. ARIANNA AND DOMINICK TURN ONE YEARS OLD IN MARCH. THANK YOU ALL for praying especially today for us, as you can see God protected us and gave me insight into the truth. God has been preparing us and soon alot will change. Please continue to pray we still have parents service plan review tomorrow. We pray the Lord works through me and dad and we will not fall for any tricks.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:18:44 +0000

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