GOD OF POSSIBILITIES !!! Are you flooded with waters of - TopicsExpress


GOD OF POSSIBILITIES !!! Are you flooded with waters of adversity, doubt and unbelief, challenges and accusations from people around whom you highly esteemed? People pointing their fingers and jeering at you asking where is your God who saves? WAIT! HANG ON! HE WILL PROVE HIM SELF SOON. One reason we need to learn not to panic when we face challenges is to remember that even if water drench the wood, when you call on God, He will still answer. God does not only specialise in Impossibilities, but He looks for impossible situations to work on. Just as a musician would love to play his favorite style/genre of music. He enjoys working on impossible projects! No matter what the situation is, WAIT! Have you forgotten that Jesus showed up four(4) days after Lazarus death. Am sure by that time, he was stinking, swollen up and rotten in the grave. But Jesus proved to us that we have a God of possibilities and raised Lazarus up and he became alive. God is still proving that He is God! He uses basket to fetch water just to disgrace the stuborn bucket. He heals Naman the leper by getting him to bath in the dirtiest water in town. Even in his doubt, He proved it is possible! What about Abraham? Who became a father to Isaac in his 100th year and Sarah a mother when she was past the age of Child bearing. Elijah challenged the prophets of baal to bring down fire from heaven. When the couldnt, he proved that God is a God of possibilities by making his own alter an impossible place for fire to burn. Water was poured on the alter and he called on God. Fire came down! You may have gotten tired of praying, broken, lost interest in the things of God, but He is saying today... WAIT! HANG ON. He will prove Himself soon! May God break through your impossibility and show you the possibitities ahead of you! Happy weekend my beautiful and handsome friends!.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:12:39 +0000

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