GOD USES ANYBODY AND ANY SITUATION TO ACCOMPLISH HIS PLANS FOR U My father told me the story of the evangelist that took a journey from the north to Lagos in the early 1960s after independence… .he was to attend a function at a church in Lagos and was given the address of the pastor that he was to contact to accommodate him when he reached there…and he prayed very hard to be able to locate the person that will take good care of him as he knew nowhere in Lagos. He had no concern because he was carrying the address of the house of the man of God and he felt so confident in his journey …at the time there were no means of communication available to most people aside from using the post office…letters take weeks to arrive and be replied…and the journey by car to a place as far as Lagos was even more than a day’s journey …When the evangelist arrived in Lagos it was already late in the evening…..he quickly set about looking for the pastor’s house from the address he was given. But by the time he was able to locate the address it was way into the night he was so relieved on reaching the house, singing a big praise to God….he went and knocked at the door… a little girl opened the door, he told her who he was, and she went in to call her father….the pastor came to the door and the evangelist introduced himself and that he was sent to him …and he only needed a place to sleep for the night…..but the pastor said no…..he said he cannot carry a stranger into his house, evangelist or no evengelist… ..the evangelist begged him to be allowed to sleep by the corridor as he had nowhere to go….but the pastor still refused and sent him away He was disillusioned and sad as he started roaming around the street not knowing where to go and sleep at that time of the night….night in Lagos was not known to be safe then …maybe even now! He then saw a drunkard staggerin towards him, he became afraid, and tried to go a little bit out of the man’s way..it was the time preachers were very hard on sinners… .the drunkard came to him and asked him why he was sitting by the electric pole…..and the evangelist told him, he had nowhere to go, he had arrived lagos late and he was a preacher comin from the north… .the drunkard smiled and told him to follow him to his place, he said he had a place for him to sleep… .he was reluctant to follow the drunkard…he never really had a good opinion of drunkards, him, being a pious man and a vibrant preacher….but then he decided to follow the drunkard seeing he could not sleep in the unsafe street….when they reached the house the drunkard gave him his bed and he lied on the floor…… In the morning, he got him breakfast and water to bathe……. And that was how he was able to conclude his assignment, stayin at the home of the drunkard, and return the back successfully When he came back home he had a different outlook over life….he was perplexed, of all the people God sent to help him on the way….it was not a fellow pastor or a good member that came to his life but a worthless drunkard that came to save him… And then he realized when it comes to actualizing His plans in our lives…God can use the most unlikely people and situations to save us… …He can use the people we never know, the people we never regarded, the people we never ever expected to be of help to us.......those we have never known or met before ..even those that are at a variance to everytin that we are,..... they will all be positioned there by God to help us reach the destination He has planned for us Many times in our lives we have a fix conclusion of who is important in our lives, ..of who will be of great influence in our lives, of who we are sure if he in in that office or position will be of great influence in our lives…of a friend, a colleague, a mentor or a brother that we look towards .of wat help or situation or place we need to be, to be successful It is always…”Oh! if only that man is in that office all my problems are gone….” “oh! if the man in the position is from my place I am sure it will be alright for me….”. Or we keep looking up to a situation, place of work or office as being important to actualizing our plans in life….we keep lookin to particular places and people in lif with high expectations……we keep givin some people undue expectation and trust in our lives But God’s plan is not base on our calculations and expectations… .He has a plan to prosper us …and He uses people we never expected, people we never even desired to see or know, He can use even our ardent enemies and opponents .. and the least circumstances we ever imagined can be of any benefit to us, God can use all to accomplish His plans for our lives … .God can use anytin and anyone when it comes to accomplishing His plans in ur life…and His plan is not in our calculation…. He does need any particular person or place to do wat He says He will do for u…..so who disappoints u has no effect on His plans for ur life….what situation failed u has no effect on His plan for ur life And He does not want u to keep lookin upon any situation or person or time in ur life for ur breakthrough, but to keep ur hope and trust in Him alone no matter the situation u are in….no matter how hopeless or undesirable it might look to u… ..for He is more than sufficient to see u through whatever situation u are and take u to wat He has planned for u…..u don’t need any big person to carry u through to ur destination in life- God is big enough to see u through when u trust Him… ..u don’t need any great opportunity or situation to reach where u want to get to in life - God is great enough to take u there when u put ur trust in Him
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:04:46 +0000

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