GODs NAME IS BOTH SINGULAR AND PLURAL! MYSTERIOUS within the TRINITY – One God or singular and yet three in one (Trinity) therefore plural. His name “I AM” is both singular and plural. What we know of God is a Mystery. By the words of His mouth, He created, has the ability to change all of mankind’s languages in one night @ the Tower of Babel, change the minds of men and kings like pharaoh, taunt Satan about Job, create a fish large enough to swallow a reluctant runaway missionary etc. We have no concept of His power and dynamics and size. He is so powerful that when He rested on the Sinai Mountain in view of the Israelites, there was so much noise, lightning and thunder coming off the mountain that the people begged for it to stop and all the while the entire mountain was shaking like an earthquake. In the New Testament, He was gentle enough to be a Dove lighting on the head of the Anointed One, the Christ. He is full of AWE and is an AWESOME GOD. 1. How would you describe the Trinity? 2. Is Christianity monotheistic of polytheistic? 3. How does the Creed of Saint Athanasius explain this? (Look at the copy I will provide on a post below). 4. How does the Apostle’s Creed explain this? (Look at the copy) 5. Look at the TRINITY DIAGRAM. See page 15 6. Old Testament uses the plural form of the word for God when He is identified as ELOHIM. 7. The Holy Spirit is mentioned in the Old Testament in Genesis 1: 2 and Judges 6: 34 8. The New Testament more clearly identifies the three God Image @ the baptism of Christ – Matthew 3: 16 & 17 and in Matthew 28: 19 - 20 the Great Commission gives us specific instruction to baptize in the name of the - - - -. 9. I John 5: 7 tells us that three bear record in heaven – the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one 10. II Corinthians 13: 14 verbal blessing 11. Directions and encouragement given in Jude 20 - 21 Romans 1: 7 Identifies - - The Father Hebrews 1: 8 Identifies - - The Son Acts 5: 3 - 4 Identifies - - The Holy Spirit Matthew 28: 19 - 20 Identifies all three THE SHIELD OF THE TRINITY MYSTERY FATHER NOT SON NOT GOD NOT HOLY SPIRIT The Trinity is a topic discussed by many scholars, sages and mystics over thousands of years. The word Trinity does NOT exist in the Holy Scriptures (Roman Catholic or Protestant) or the Tanakh (Hebrew scriptures) however there are many verses in both the Old and New Testament that indicate a MYSTERIOUS unity of the three parts or essences or attributes of the Creator. The Jehovah Witnesses DENY the existence of three components of God. One of their main issues is that the word Trinity does NOT exist in the Bible and in their Bible which they have rewritten to exclude any reference to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They claim that such a creation of God make Him and our religion Polytheistic which is idolatry. One comment about the opinion of one person who is labelled Pentecostal - - the Pentecostal churches which I have been tied to and attended DID believe in a Triune God, so what the person who is opposed to a Trinity may be, in fact, actually be a personal belief not common within the Pentecostal Church. The Pentecost Church is very much an active believer in the Holy Spirit and continuously prompts the Holy Spirit to be active and demonstrate His power among believers. so I am unsure of why this person is so anti Holy Spirit as being God. In Genesis when God was about to make man, the scriptures tell us that God said, “Come let US make man - -“ so who is US. In the great commission message and commandment Jesus told us to “baptize new converts in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”. If the Almighty God, has created all things including us, His Son Jesus the Messiah died to redeem us and the Holy Spirit is the guarantee for our salvation and actively guards us from Satan and provides power to believers to be witnesses, healers of diseases, etc. then who is this Spirit other than God Himself. Trying to describe God and all His attributes is like describing color to a blind person who had NEVER seen anything before. When the Holy Spirit came upon the Virgin Mary for her to conceive, who was that Being that came upon Mary if it was NOT God or a part of God? The Holy Spirit MUST be important because we have been warned NOT to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit for judgement is what may result - - so why is this warning given to us? I know that the Creeds were written to preserve and explain the essence of God and that they were NOT in the scripture but if you read thru them, the Holy Spirit is explained as GOD. So now we have the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – all one God, each with different duties and actions YET ONE GOD. So what English or French or Chinese word should be use to describe ALL THREE IN ONE. You are more than three people in one: son, husband, father, cousin and if you have siblings you would be a brother. This is message given to us, one we must believe and abide by. I hope this has been helpful and NOT a hindrance.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:15:03 +0000

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