GOD’S SERVANT DOESN’T NEED TO PROVE HIS WORTH (Vol 1; No 1) You cannot serve if you are full of yourself. When you are humble you won’t stumble in the discharge of your service. Servants maintain a low profile. They don’t insist on having lofty titles. If their job description calls for it, they wear the badge with humility. They do not act to impress people and do not dress to attract attention. They don’t play to the gallery. They don’t call attention to themselves. They offer noiseless service as evidenced in 1Kings 6:7; “The stones used in the construction of the Temple were prefinished at the quarry, so the entire structure was built without the sound of hammer, axe, or any other tool at the building site". They are like salt which seasons and affects the life of every other person by working inconspicuously at the background unnoticed and unapplauded by people (Matthew 5:13). Just like salt the service rendered may not be recognized and appreciated, but it is the most significant service, which if not rendered will drastically affect the lives of others. You may be serving in obscurity just as Joseph served in the prison but a day of reckoning is coming when God is going to lift you to a place of prominence as He did in the life of Joseph. So don’t be discouraged when your service is unnoticed or taken for granted. Keep doing it. God takes note even of the smallest service you rendered from your heart. The Bible says you shall be rewarded (Matthew 10:42). Humble servants are known by how they respond when others treat them like servants. How do you react when you are taken for granted, ordered around, treated as an inferior and belittled? A servant doesn’t use the language “I can’t take that from you.” Jesus says, “... If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life ...” (Matthew 5:41). In service a servant does not need to prove his worth. There is no need for that. No task will threaten your self-image or make you feel insecure if you know who you are in Christ. As servants of Jesus we should base our worth and identity in Him. When it comes to serving, nothing should be beneath you. Imagine Jesus, who is our Lord, stooping to wash the lowest and dirtiest part of the body of His disciples. That act did not demote Him, rather it exalted Him. As you follow His example the service you render in God’s name will definitely promote you and not demote you. Only people who are secure can serve. Insecure people are always worrying about their positions, status, appearances, capabilities, temperaments, vulnerabilities, limitations and weaknesses and give excuses as they hide beneath layers of protective pride and pretensions which enslaves them. The more insecure you are the more unsafe you will feel and the more you will want people to serve you and the more you will need their approval. Only the one who serves is truly free.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:02:48 +0000

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