GOMBE STATE POLITICS: THE NEED TO DOUSE POLITICAL RIVALRY! On behalf of the entire youths of Gombe State, we are calling on His Excellency, Alh. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo, Executive Governor of Gombe State and his predecessor Alh. Danjuma Goje and the Minister of Transport, Bar. Idris Umar being the most influential political leaders in our state to kindly consider the vulnerability of the youths which is at disadvantaged to themselves and the entire members of the society. It is to the benefit of the people of Gombe State that we must at a given point in our lives reflect over certain political actions of ours and see the need to come together and speak to the youths under a common ground. It is not all about politics but, its all about peace and unity. There must be time and avenue when and where leaders of your status must drop all political differences to come together as leaders of the people in other capacities to counsel the leaders of tomorrow, we are pleading with the trio to please organize a session that will accommodate all political leaders past and presents to share your experiences and redirect the minds of the youths. This gesture will surely build and enhance the bond between the youths and the leaders, in such a noble effort, we may be bless with other solutions to most issues that are bedeviling our state and region. The earlier we dialogue with the youths, the better against the election periods. Let us assure our leaders that we shall be available to develop this idea if found viable and also work with you in achieving such objectives. EARNESTLY, WE MAY DISAGREE IN POLITICS BUT, REMAIN UNITED (May I call on other states in the country with similar political atmosphere to consider adopting this idea, thank you).
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 20:45:15 +0000

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